.:+ Share? +:. ✅

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Lapis watched the snow from outside the front barn door with drooping eyes, admiring each of the individual white dots as they slowly drifted to the ground. Lapis found them particularly soothing and fun to watch, a little something to enjoy during winter's wrath. She was warmly swathed in the hammock with a thick, heavy blanket up to her shoulders. The gentle, crisp icy wind that blew in in spurts tickled her face playfully. She stiffled a sneeze, burrowing her face back into the covers with a sigh. Behind her, a busy green gem was working on one of her many contraptions, grumbling as she fumbled with different kinds of wires and gadgets. The small Peridot was busying herself with whatever she was working on now, furiously typing on an old computer as she made new tweaks to her project.

Lapis gave another exhausted sigh, she let her body relax, sinking into the cloth as she grew more tired by the minute. Eventually, it all became too much, and she gave in to sleep at last.



A cold finger poked Lapis shoulder, and she flinched from the frigid touch. Outside was dark and the billowing, freezing wind that wound through the barn was unfathomably cold. With a groan, she rolled over to face the small technician, watching her from beneath the covers that were up to her eyes. "Hm?" She responded, rubbing her worn face with the back of her hand. "Well, uh," she tapped her two index fingers together nervously, "i-it's really cold, a-and I was wondering if we could share?"

Lapis thought for a minute, confused. "Share?" She asked back, raising a brow and allowing herself to yawn. "Yeah, like.. share the.. uh.. hammock?"

The sleepy water gem frowned. "No." She spat, rolling over with a mutter. "Come on, Lapis, please?" She whined, tugging at the edge of the blanket she was using. "I'm freezing!"

"I said no." Lapis hissed again, growing more annoyed by the minute. Peridot sighed miserably. "Fine, you clod." And with that, she turned away, stalking off to the corner of the barn where a tattered old box was propped. She grabbed it with both hands and flipped it over and dropped it, trapping herself inside with a huff. Lapis hid a giggle, amused with her strange behavior as she watched from her cozy position.

Lapis lay facing the little green gem, watching the box intently. Suddenly, it began to tremble, followed by the chattering of teeth. Her mind split for a moment. She really didn't want to share her personal space with a gem who was once her enemy, but.. she was on earth now, and she had to learn how to forgive and forget, as Steven said.

"Peridot?" Lapis spoke from the darkness. The box lifted and a pair of green eyes peaked from beneath it. "Eh?"

"You can come lay down, I guess.."

Peridot returned a big, goofy smile, which made Lapis blush. She scrabbled out from beneath the tan trash and crept up to the hammock, clawing her way into position as she struggled to get it. Lapis shifted so that she'd have room, still watching her as she finally got in, sliding in close against the blue gem. "Ack!" She squeaked, trying to scoot backwards, but the hammock was too small for anymore space, and she began to teeter off. With a quick flash of her hand, she lashed out and grabbed her behind the shoulder to stop her fall.

The two met eyes for an uncomfortable moment, both of their faces a new shade of color as the noise of the winter storm dimmed for the moment. "O-oh, sorry." Lapis murmured hurriedly, looking away bashfully.

"It's uh.. fine." Peridot responded with a pause, retreating into a ball against her as she began to close her eyes.

The water gem stiffened at the cold touch of her skin, but eventually relaxed. She grabbed one end of the blanket and tossed it over Peridot, who happily took it and covered herself.

Lapis flinched as she nuzzled her chest with a soft smile, a strange, buzzing sound coming from her throat. Was she purring?

Lapis didn't know, or care. She was getting tired again anyway, and let her heavy eyes close to the soft sound of Peridot's snores.


Cicadas buzzed from outside the barn as the summer day came to an end. Lapis was already slumped in her hammock, reading some type of book she had picked up a while ago, lazily flipping through the pages and merely scanning the words. She yawned, setting the book to the side of her with a grin. "Ready for bed, Peri?" She called to the small green gem from across the room, momentarily allowing herself to stretch. Peridot sat up from her work, her eyes displaying signs of exhaustion and her face patched with remnants of her project as she nodded back. "Yup!"

With that, she bounded over happily and sprung onto Lapis, making the hammock sway rapidly from her leap. She lay strewn across her body as they both dissolved into giggles, gazing at the smaller gem affectionately as she tucked herself in place.

Peridot broke the small minute of silence. "Laz?"

"Yeah?" Lapis responded tiredly, looking to meet Peridot's gaze.

"Remember how this all started?"

Lapis nodded slowly, looking out the barn entrance as she re-imagined the frozen tundra of a season a few months back.

"Of course I do."

Lapidot one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now