.:+ Fusion disaster +:.

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The air was sweet and heavy with moisture, accompanied by the nose-tickling scent of lavender and hydrangeas. The sun dipped low in the distance with clouds cascading after it and tinting the sky fascinating colors of orange, pink, and yellow. For both Lapis and Peridot, the gorgeous day had been nothing but a nightmare of tension. It was late last week when the duo had the moment to sit down and chat after an exhausting day of teaching. Lapis didn't remember how it started, but somehow the topic of fusion was brought up, which ultimately made things incredibly uncomfortable. "Lapis?" Peridot had asked as she drew her legs to her chest. "Hm?" Lapis answered, running a thin blue hand through the gentle waves of her hair.

"Would you ever fuse again?"

The question had caught Lapis completely off guard and turned the air to stone, but yet at the same time, she almost expected the little green gem to say something such as that. It had been years ago, back when they shared the barn, when Peridot had gone on and on about her attempted fusion with Garnet. Lapis, not really interested then, non the less brushed it off since it wasn't even her business in the first place. Lapis never thought it would come into play again. To come back and be her second attempt.

Now, with ice under her skin, Lapis stood on the crest of a grassy hill overlooking the meadow they had planned to meet at. The breeze was cold, then warm, and Lapis wondered if it was the weather or herself as she hugged her shoulders and looked down nervously. A soft hand brushed her forearm for a brief moment and she practically jumped in response. The small green gem besides her wore a wide grin but still mirrored Lapis' uncertainty by the look in her eyes.

"Are you sure you're still okay to do this?" She piped hesitantly, offering her trembling right hand. The older blue gem gave a slow blink, followed by a quick exhale through her nose, then continued. "Yes."

The moment their palms touched and their fingers twined together, it felt like an entirely new world for Peridot. The thudding in her chest was only becoming stronger to the point where she wondered if her partner could hear it. Two opposite hands landed on each of their shoulders, giving a firm, but reassuring, squeeze. It was harder than Peridot thought to keep eye contact with Lapis and had to suppress every shiver of excitement and anxiety. The soft tug on her wrist sent Peridot into a sudden stumbling motion, followed by the abrupt color change in her cheeks. The water gem snickered at her partners astonished gaze. "Do you even know how to dance?" She teased, stooping over Peridot as she attempted to dip her, but the squirming green gem was too flustered to comprehend the action. "No, not really." She muttered under her breath as Lapis hoisted her back up.

"Well, I guess i'm doing all of the work then." Lapis chuckled with a shrug, spinning the two of them slowly. Their gazes locked and the gentle breath of wind seemed to stop as cobalt blue eyes met emerald green ones. Both of their gems gave a shallow aura of light which quickly grew in vibrancy . The moment was blissful and memorable until Lapis snorted, prompting Peridot into a series of giggles as well.

The transition happened all too quickly, and it wasn't long before two forms turned to one. Just as she had been before, Lapis was standing on a grassy slope decked with iridescent flowers. There was no sun, but the sky was a soothing blanket of night, accompanied by the stars. She recognized this place; the same place she'd held Jasper captive, yet much more warm and welcoming, and not a water pillar.

The strange new gem held her hands out in front of her face, adorned by the gold laces along her wrists and captivated by her height.

"Lapis? Are you there?" A strikingly familiar voice mused from somewhere behind her.

The new gem turned, but there was no one there. Yet, the voice was answered with another.

"I'm right here." Lapis answered aloud and spun around to meet the voice. Peridot was gazing wonderingly up at the sky with two arms crossed tightly around her shoulders. Bounding over to her companion the water gem jabbed Peridot sharply in the back, and she turned around with a yelp. She clearly wasn't all that comfortable. Lapis sucked air through her teeth and blinked slowly. "Are you doing ok?" Lapis asked as she raised a hand to scratch the back of her neck. The small green form brought her hands to her shoulders.

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