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There it was again.

Tamaki pressed both hands to his chest and gasped, struggling to breathe through the intense pain. He rolled over onto his side in bed, clutching desperately at his chest as his body instinctively curled itself into the fetal position. Tears of pain began to blur his vision, and he blinked them away, waiting and waiting for the pain to begin dying down. It always did eventually, even if it felt like a lifetime before it happened.

He couldn't be sure how much time had passed, but sure enough the pain gradually started to fade away. He slowly relaxed his body, allowing himself to indulge in the warmth of his bed covers for just a few more minutes. His skin was covered in a cold sweat, and he knew he should get a shower before school, but he felt so weak and tired that it was a struggle just to get himself out of the bed.

He trudged his way into the bathroom and took off his pajamas before turning on the showerhead and stepping under the spray. He washed up as quickly as he could, ignoring the dull phantom aches of pain still emanating from his chest. Once that was done, he turned off the water and got out, drying off before returning to his bedroom to change into his school uniform.

When he was ready, he grabbed his things and headed into the kitchen, where his mom was cooking. She turned and greeted him with a smile after hearing him enter the room. "Good morning, Tamaki. Are you feeling any better today?"

"Um, yeah. It hasn't been hurting at all today." He lied. The truth was the chest pains from earlier had been even worse than they were the previous night. He wasn't about to tell her this and make her worry about him, though.

Instead, he took his seat at the table and ate the food she offered him. Well, most of it, anyway. He only got about halfway through the meal before he began feeling full. Cringing, he got up to put the leftover food back in the pan. "Thanks for breakfast, Mom. I'm leaving now."

"Okay, honey! Have a good first day!" She called from her room where she'd been getting dressed for work. "And if the pain starts up again, tell someone, alright?"

"I will," he called back to her, putting on his backpack and setting out. He made it a habit to walk to school every morning since it wasn't too far away and he lived in a nice enough neighborhood. Not to mention there was the person who lived right next door.

Sure enough, as soon as he had stepped outside, a large arm was thrown across his shoulders. "Morning, Tamaki!" Tamaki's neighbor and childhood friend, Mirio Togata, greeted him with a grin that could light up the entire world. Tamaki's tense muscles immediately began to relax, the familiar feeling of being with Mirio putting his anxiety at a temporary ease.

He smiled softly. "G-Good morning,"

"Well, are you excited?" Mirio asked, removing his arm as they began to walk towards the school together. "Are you excited for our third year?"

"U-Um, yeah." Tamaki looked away so Mirio wouldn't be able to see through his lie. He doubted it worked very well, though. Mirio always knew.

"Aw, come on, Tamaki." Mirio nudged his arm with his shoulder. "I heard Aizawa-sensei wants some of the top students to give the first years tours and advice."

"W-Wait, really?" He spluttered. That was certainly news to him. He didn't realize his hands had started to shake until he accidentally dropped his phone. He bent down to pick it up. Thankfully it wasn't broken. That would've been just his luck. "I-I don't think I could do that." He said. "I mean...a-advice about what exactly?"

"It's not a big deal. They just want us to advise the kouhai a little bit about the school. You know, how the classes work and the layout of the building. It'll be fine. And besides, Nejire and I will be there too, so don't worry about it too much, okay?"

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