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Welcome back, everybody! I sincerely apologize that this hiatus lasted so much longer than I originally said it would. If you guys actually stuck around over this hiatus, then I simply cannot thank you all enough! It was only supposed to be on hiatus for a couple weeks at most, but then a lot of stuff happened and I was either too stressed to write or I just didn't have the time. But I've finally gotten to a point where I feel like writing it again, and I'm so unbelievably happy to be back! I hope you guys are excited to see more of the story! Also, this chapter begins the first part of the...I guess you could call it the final arc? I'm not sure how many chapter it will be, but I have everything planned out from here on and I'm hoping to make it to the end without any more breaks! And without further ado...the long-awaited next chapter!

By the next day, time had become one huge blur. After spending nearly the entire previous day sleeping, he was awake all night long, only really being able to fall asleep around nine in the morning the next day. He woke up again around one and found that his mom had left him breakfast. He wasn't hungry, but he made himself eat a few bites at least.

He tried to occupy himself with books, music, TV, and mindless scrolling on the internet. When that didn't work, he tried working on the homework papers Mirio had brought him yesterday. He understood most of what was on it, so he didn't think he did too badly. Unfortunately, it only took him an hour and a half to finish them all, so once again he was left with the predicament of boredom.

His mom got home from work and immediately came to check on him. She scolded him for not finishing his food and refused to leave until Tamaki had drank the entire bottle of water she brought him. After the water was finished, she left to go start preparing dinner. Mirio arrived a few minutes later, knocking twice on Tamaki's door before entering with a smile.

"Evening, Tamaki!" He said. "You feeling better?"

"A little," he gave a tiny smile in an attempt to make it seem like he wasn't lying. Truth be told, he felt just as bad as he had the previous day.

"I'm glad." Mirio's voice lowered. He turned around to place the pile of papers he was holding on Tamaki's desk. Tamaki saw his smile fall as soon as he thought Tamaki couldn't see anymore, but clearly he'd forgotten about the mirror on the opposite wall that showed him Mirio's true, distraught expression.

"Is something...wrong?" He asked. "Well, besides the obvious." He laughed weakly, but neither of them smiled at his attempt at a joke.

Mirio turned back around and leaned against the desk, putting his usual smile back on his face. "Oh, it's just...I've been thinking a lot lately. About who you could be in love with."

Tamaki looked down at his hands. This was the last thing he wanted to talk about with Mirio.

"And...well..." Mirio moved from the desk to sit at the end of the bed. "Is it Nejire?"

"Wh-What?" Tamaki looked up at him in shock. "What are you talking about?"

"Are you in love with Nejire?" Mirio repeated. "Is that why you keep saying there's nothing we can do?"

"O-Of course not!" His voice went up at least three octaves. "Why would you even think that?"

"Well, I mean...you're always hanging out with her, right? And the other day, she was the one who helped you to the nurse's office. It makes sense."

"B-But..." He was having a hard time coming up with words to try and express his thoughts. Mirio really thought he was in love with Nejire? "She's with Yuyu. Why would I be in love with her?"

"Well...I-I don't know, Tamaki!" Mirio rubbed a hand over his face. "You won't tell me who it is, so the only thing I can do is guess, and Nejire just seemed like the most obvious choice."

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