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He stared down at the silky petals coated in blood, his mind clouded. What was this? A flower? He had coughed up a flower? What was going on? This wasn't normal, was it? Nejire was still shielding him and the petals in his hands from the others' view. She slowly reached out and picked up one of the bright yellow petals, staring at it with an expression that Tamaki couldn't read. She seemed, for the first time in her life, to be at a total loss for words.

"Alright first years, outside now!" That was Kayama-sensei's voice, followed by the footsteps of several people and the slamming of the gymnasium doors. This left Tamaki alone in the gym with Nejire and Aizawa-sensei, who came around to crouch down on his other side. He took one look at the bloody petals and his expression became dark.

"Hado-san, help Amajiki-kun to the nurse's office. I'll let your teachers know what's going on."

"Yes, sir." Aizawa-sensei hurried off and Nejire stood up. He glanced up to follow her movements, his thoughts still muggy and clouded. His hand unconsciously closed into a tight fist around the petals.

"Tama-chan, here." She was holding out her hands to help him to his feet. He slowly reached up and grabbed her hand, still clutching the petals in his fist. He felt Nejire tossing his arm over her shoulders and beginning to walk towards the door, but his mind was still somewhere else. He felt disconnected from his body.

Thankfully, the gym was connected to the main building and from there it was only a few minutes before they reached the nurse's office. By that time, Tamaki was beginning to come back to his senses enough to at least know where he was at. When Nejire knocked on the door, he squirmed a bit to let her know he wanted to walk on his own. She got the message and released his arm.

"I'm...okay," He said after a moment.

"Tama-chan..." She looked like she was about to say something else when the door opened. Standing there was the school nurse, Chiyo Shuzenji, or as some students cleverly deemed her, Recovery Girl. She was an older woman who only stood at roughly four feet, but she was the best school nurse you'd ever find.

She took one look at the two students and nodded. "Come in. Amajiki-kun, you take a seat in that chair." She pointed with her cane to a chair in the middle of her office. Tamaki swallowed nervously before doing as he was told. Recovery Girl was busy rummaging through a drawer to find something. Nejire carefully closed the door behind them and came to stand beside him in the chair. She reached out and took the hand that wasn't holding onto the petals, squeezing it tight for reassurance.

Recovery Girl, apparently having found what she was looking for, hobbled over to them and sat down on a rolling stool. "Tell me everything that happened."

Tamaki took a deep breath and started explaining. His voice was shaky, but Recovery Girl listened to every word, never once breaking eye contact. When he was finished, she nodded. Her expression looked the same as Aizawa-sensei's had. "Let me see the petals,"

Nodding, Tamaki held out his hand and unclenched it. The petals were now not only covered in blood, but also damp from his own sweat now. Recovery Girl didn't seem to care, taking the petals from him and carefully examining them. After several minutes, she took a small boat from her coat and out the petals inside. "You two are friends, yes? You trust her, Amajiki-kun?"

Tamaki nodded again. "Y-Yes,"

"You're absolutely sure?" Recovery Girl asked again. "Because this is going to be a very personal conversation, I'm afraid. Not something you want someone else to hear unless you trust them completely."

Tamaki glanced over at Nejire, who gave him a smile. "It's okay," she said. "If you want me to leave, I'll--"

"N-No," Tamaki shook his head. "I-It's okay. I trust Nejire."

(Completed) Bloody Petals {Miritama}Where stories live. Discover now