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Okay, so I'm really sorry about this, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to put this story on hold again. I'm not sure how long it will be this time, but hopefully not as long as last time. The reason for this is because I have ACTs coming up in the next couple of weeks, and I don't want to worry about updating this on top of that and regular schoolwork. My ACT test is on the 6th, so hopefully I'll be back sometime after then. Again, I'm really sorry about it! But in the meantime, here is the next chapter! I'll see you all when I get back!

Mirio couldn't bring himself to focus in class. He checked his phone every other minute, waiting for someone to contact him with an update on Tamaki's condition. It had only been yesterday that he was brought in, and from what he'd been told he woke up sometime that night after Mirio had been forced to leave. Apparently, he'd gotten mad at his mom after being told about the surgery and was refusing to talk to anybody. He just wanted school to be over for the day so he could go see him.

When his final class was over, he immediately ran for the exit and down the street to the bus stop. The ride to the hospital seemed endless but eventually it came to a stop next to it; Mirio rushed off and hurried inside. He had to stop and check in at the front desk before being allowed to go to Tamaki's room. Outside the room there was a plastic chair, but no one was sitting in it. However, Mirio spotted Fatgum walking from the hall back to the door. They stopped for a second, acknowledging the other's arrival with a nod.

Fatgum plucked a takoyaki ball from the tray he was holding and popped it into his mouth. "You're here to visit Amajiki, right?"

"Yeah," Mirio cast a glance at the door. It was closed, and not a single sound came from inside. "I...I heard he wasn't talking to anybody."

Fatgum nodded solemnly. "That's right. After the kid's mom told him about the surgery, he got mad and gold her to leave. I don't think I've ever seen him lose his temper before. But even now he refused to talk."

Mirio pursed his lips. As much as he wanted to go inside and check on Tamaki, he feared he might only make the situation worse. After all, it hadn't been all that long ago that Tamaki was losing his temper with him. He was probably still angry, which meant he more than likely wouldn't want to talk to him either.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by Fatgum clapping a hand on his shoulder. "Why don't you go try." He suggested with a friendly smile. "I have a feeling he'll talk to you."

"I...no, I can't. I mean, he's--"

"Just try it, alright?" Fatgum gave him a gentle shove towards the door. "Even if he doesn't talk, just stay with him, yeah? He could use the support right about now."

"Yeah...yeah, you're right." Mirio shook himself off and stepped up to turn the doorknob. Upon entering, he cleared his throat even though it was kind of pointless; Tamaki turned to see who had entered immediately before turning back over, his back facing the door.

"Uh...hey, Tamaki." Mirio wanted to facepalm at how awkward and forced the greeting sounded. "You feeling any better?"

He was silent for a long time, enough to where Mirio was sure he wasn't going to respond. Then, finally, there was a soft murmur. "No," Mirio smiled and walked closer, dragging over one of the wildly uncomfortable plastic chairs in the room.

"I heard what's going on." He said quietly, his smile faded as the seriousness of the situation became too much to ignore. "The surgery...I understand why you wouldn't want it, but--"

"There's no buts about it." Tamaki mumbled, still not showing his face. "I said I didn't want it, and they all ignored me."

"I know," Mirio wanted to say that he understood both sides; of course Tamaki didn't want to have the surgery, for it would get rid of his feelings for whoever it was that he loved. Mirio could understand that; he'd rather die than lose his own feelings towards Tamaki. However, he also understood why his mom had chosen what she had. She wanted to keep her child alive even if it meant he would resent her for the rest of his life. She loved him that much; Mirio could understand both of them. But he didn't tell Tamaki that.

(Completed) Bloody Petals {Miritama}Where stories live. Discover now