TW: this chapter will contain depictions of self-hatred, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts/attempts. If any of that is triggering to you guys, please please please skip this chapter! I will be providing a short summary of what happens at the end, just in case. I love you guys!!

The upbeat buzz of hundreds of people talking at once in the cafeteria didn't match the way Tamaki felt at all. He'd gotten used to the now constant feeling like something was pressing up against his chest, but he still felt sick to his stomach. He'd woken up this morning to the petals and was forced to once again cough them up until his throat was raw and aching.

He was currently sitting by himself at their usual table. On any normal day, Nejire would be there with him, but she was out doing something for a teacher with Yuyu. As of that moment, he didn't feel the need to run off to the bathroom, but that also left him by himself. He was poking at his food, not really all that hungry, when someone else came over. He knew before he even looked up that it was Mirio.

His frown deepened, and he hunched down even lower in his seat. Mirio set his tray down on the table, but completely ignored it. "Tamaki, you know you have to talk to me eventually."

He sighed, staring intently down at his bowl of udon. It had been a few days since the incident at the park, and he knew that Mirio knew everything. Well, not everything. He was sure Mirio was still clueless as to who he was in love with, thankfully. If he knew that, Tamaki wasn't sure what he would do, but he knew it would hurt him, and that was the last thing he wanted.

"Tamaki, would you at least look at me? Please? I promise, I only want to help." Reluctantly, Tamaki did as he asked and raised his eyes. Mirio smiled and set the paper he was holding in his hands on the table. "Here, see? I made a list of everybody it could be. If you tell me who it is, I'll go talk to them for you and help you!"

Tamaki almost felt like laughing at the irony. "I can't say who it is." He mumbled instead, returning his attention to moving his food around the bowl but not eating.

"Why not?" Mirio looked crestfallen.

Tamaki shook his head. "Because they'll never love me back anyways, so what would be the point. I'll just--"

"Die? You'll just die? Just like that?" Tamaki looked back up in surprise at the distressed tone of his voice. His blue eyes were watery. "I don't want you to die, Tamaki." He whispered, reaching across the table to place a hand on his arm.

Tamaki frowned, slowly moving his arm away from Mirio's touch. "I'm...sorry," he whispered under his breath.

Mirio slid the list closer to him. "Please, just look at it and tell me if it's one of them."

With a sigh, Tamaki reached out and grabbed the paper. It was clear that it had been handled quite roughly, judging by all the smudges and eraser marks and the texture of the paper itself. It was like Mirio had been clutching it in his fist all day long. But the words written on it were legible. He pretended to read it, knowing for a fact that it would yield nothing.

When enough time had passed, he set it down again and shook his head, standing up with his tray. "It's not any of them." He said. He turned to leave, but Mirio hopped over the table to grab his wrist before he could. Shocked, he turned around and came face to face with a set of determined, blue eyes.

"I will find them." He said, and the tone of his voice raised the hairs on the back of his neck. "I promise. I'm going to save you."

Tamaki blinked, unable to make himself pull away. But he didn't actually need to, seeing as Mirio let go first. Tamaki watched as he sat back down. "Are you finished eating? Or is it...?" His voice tapered off, but Tamaki knew what he was asking.

(Completed) Bloody Petals {Miritama}Where stories live. Discover now