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I feel like this story is progressing wayyyyyy too quickly. Is that just me? Anyways, here's a special Mirio POV! It won't be too much longer before we get to some of the heavier parts of this book, so prepare yourselves for that! Also, I'm working on making a oneshot of the smut scene I avoided writing for Luminescence, so if that interests anybody, I'll try and get that finished soon. But I can't guarantee it'll be very good; I'm still new to writing smut and I'm always super nervous to actually post it whenever I do write it. But hopefully you guys will still be okay with it! And now onto the chapter!

"--gata-kun! Togata-kun!"

Mirio nearly fell out of his seat as the sound of the teacher yelling at him startled him back to awareness. He flushed and laughed it off and the teacher returned to their lesson. Mirio pretended to pay attention for a while only to drift back off into his thoughts again.

It had been two weeks since their third year began, but something felt weird. Tamaki and Nejire both seemed distant. They still hung out with him at lunch and during free periods and such, but after school they always seemed to disappear. Tamaki hadn't even walked home with him for almost the entire week, which was extremely weird considering they'd walked home together ever since they were in elementary school.

He didn't know what was going on with his two best friends, but he couldn't get it out of his mind. It was even beginning to distract him during class. He was worried about them.

At lunch that day, they both disappeared again without a word to Mirio about where they'd gone. He sighed as he sat down with his food at their now empty table. He was checking his phone for the third time to see if either of them had responded to his messages when he heard a voice beside him call out, "Oh? Togata-senpai? You're eating by yourself?"

He glanced up only to be met with big green eyes and dark green eyebrows knitted together in confusion. It was one of the Class A first years, Izuku Midoriya if he remembered correctly. Quickly he put his phone down and put on a smile. "Yeah, I guess." He laughed, rubbing sheepishly at his neck. "The others just kinda disappeared on me, and they won't answer my texts."

"Oh, well..." The first year gave him a friendly smile. "I could sit with you if you'd like, Togata-senpai!"

"Ah, you don't have to do tha--"

"It's okay, Senpai." He was already sitting down. "Besides if my friends miss me enough to want me back, then they can come join us too."

"Aw...thanks," Mirio grinned. "So, how are you liking UA?"

"It's great!" The first year's eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store. "All the students here are so amazing and talented, and the teachers are so cool! I've also made some friends, which is nice because I've never really had friends before."

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." And he was, genuinely. The idea of this adorable, outgoing boy not having had many friends before high school was almost too hard to believe. But he was glad things were getting better for him.

"What about you, Senpai?" Midoriya asked as he broke apart his chopsticks. "It sounded like you and your friends are fighting or something. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Oh, we're not fighting!" Mirio started, but then frowned. "At least...I don't think we are. Honestly, I don't know what's going on. They've just been avoiding me lately. I think something's wrong, but they won't tell me what it is."

"Well...have you tried asking them?"

Mirio shook his head. "No, not yet. I'm not sure how to being it up with them. And I'm worried they'll just try and write me off some more and make an excuse to get away."

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