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Okay, so the original plan was to have this chapter be the confession and resolution, and then add an epilogue for chapter 15. However, I realized while writing this that if I did that, then this chapter would be extremely short. So I just decided to wrap them all up into one! Also, the link to the poll deciding what kind of Miritama story I'll be doing after this will be in the end notes below!  I actually only received three suggestions in total, which is pretty disappointing all things considered. But no worries! I'll be keeping it up for TWO WEEKS before taking the results and announcing them. And as of the release of this chapter, I will not be taking anymore suggestions. Thank you very much to all of you who gave me suggestions! I love you guys!

By the time Mirio made it to Tamaki's floor and turned down the hall where his room was, he was panting hard from running up all the stairs. The door to his room was shut, but Mirio didn't care; he opened the door and stood there for a second, trying to catch his breath.

Inside, Akiyama-sensei was sitting on the rolling stool beside the bed, where Tamaki was sitting up. He was pale and had a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead. When they heard the sound of the door being roughly pushed open, both of them looked up. Akiyama-sensei nodded at him, but Tamaki's already deep frown deepened and he looked away.

"Can I...talk to Tamaki...alone?" He asked between breaths.

Akiyama-sensei tilted her head slightly to the side. "Have you done what I told you?"

He nodded, and realization seemed to dawn across her face. Her confused look became a warm smile and she immediately stood up, setting her clipboard down on the table across the room. "Alright. Take as much time as you need."

He waited until she had left, closing the door behind her, to walk over and sit down at the end of Tamaki's bed. He was still making a point not to look at him, so Mirio reached over and grabbed his hand. "Tamaki, I need to talk to you."

"I don't want--"

"Earlier was an accident." He continued, ignoring Tamaki's attempts at protesting. "But I don't regret it. Because now I can really tell you how I feel."

"Please stop--"

"Tamaki, you're the most amazing, sweet, caring, generous, selfless person I've ever met, probably in the whole world. I love everything about you. I love your hair, I love your ears even though they embarrass you a lot, I love the sound of your voice, and don't even get me started on your smile. I love hearing you laugh, especially when it's me who made you laugh. I love you, you and not anyone else."

Tamaki still refused to look at him, face turned to the side but Mirio could see the tears beginning to streak down his face. "Mirio...please..."

"I'm not lying in some desperate attempt to save you." He squeezed his hand tightly. "Even if you don't believe me, I can always just keep telling you until you do."


"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you--"

"Mirio!" He stopped, shocked as Tamaki physically pulled his hand from Mirio's grip, clutching it to his chest. "I-I can't b-believe you could even be s-so cruel..."

"I'm not lying to you." He repeated himself, shifting so that they were now sitting even closer. He reached out and wrapped his arms around Tamaki in a huge embrace. He tried to push away, but Mirio wouldn't let him; he simply held on tighter as he buried his face into Tamaki's neck. "I love you."

Tamaki was trembling. "Mirio--"

Mirio slowly pulled away, an idea forming in his head. If he couldn't convince Tamaki with words, he would have to use actions. So he moved his hands to the sides of Tamaki's face, cupping his cheeks and simultaneously using his thumbs to brush away the tears. "I love you," He whispered one more time before leaning in and pressing their lips together.

(Completed) Bloody Petals {Miritama}Where stories live. Discover now