Hello again, and welcome back! In case you missed my announcement, there wasn't an update last week because I was with a friend that I rarely get to see and I wanted to focus on her rather than updating on time. Also, this chapter is, like, 99.9% filler, but there will be something important at the end, so I wouldn't reccomend skipping over it, or at least read the last few paragraphs if it really bothers you that much. Besides, this might be the last bit of fluff you guys get for a loooong time, so...enjoy it.

"I'll see you next week, Amajiki-kun."

"Y-You too. Thank you, Akiyama-sensei." Tamaki stood with a respectful bow and left the office. The receptionist gave him a small smile and a wave as he was leaving the building, which he returned half-heartedly. Coming to the doctor's office always made him painfully aware of the situation he was in. Not that he wasn't normally, but coming here just made it all the more obvious.

Once he was outside, he released a breath of relief. It had been a month and a half since he received his diagnosis, and Akiyama-sensei had only reconfirmed the thing she'd told him the first day he'd come to her office; that, at best, he had about a month or two left before the flowers finished blooming completely and suffocated him.

It had been scary at first, but now he'd somewhat come to terms with it. He was okay with dying in this way if it meant he could keep his feelings for Mirio until the very end. The only thing he wished was different was Mirio; he wished Mirio had never found out about his illness.

He'd spent the last several weeks desperately scrounging to find an answer to the question of who was causing Tamaki to be so sick. It was ironic, really. He was trying so hard to find someone who didn't even exist, or more accurately, who was actually himself. But no matter how much Tamaki tried to tell him to give it up, he refused.

It was starting to get hotter outside as the seasons began to change. Tamaki squinted at the blinding rays of the sun, raising one hand to block the light as he started walking down the sidewalk to the bus station. He was halfway there when he felt his phone begin to buzz in his pocket. He paused, taking temporary shelter underneath a nearby tree. The shade felt nice and at least now he could actually see the screen of his phone.

It was Mirio calling him, his contact photo filling up the entire screen. Tamaki frowned, swallowing automatically to push down the ticklish feeling at the back of his throat. He tapped the answer button and held the phone up to his ear. "Hello?"

"Tamaki!" Mirio sounded excited about something, which lately hadn't happened much. It was nice to hear him sound so upbeat again. "Are you busy right now?"

"Um...no. I was just about to head back home. Why?"

"Where are you right now?"

"I was just leaving the doctor's office." He said, lowering his voice. Mentioning the doctor only reminded them both of things much rather forgotten.

"Oh," As he'd feared, the excitement in Mirio's tone dropped just a bit. "Well, uh...if it's okay with you, do you wanna meet up at the next stop and go somewhere?"

"Go where?"

"I can't tell you that! It's a surprise!"

"A surprise?"

"Yeah, a surprise! I promise it'll be a lot of fun, soooo...whaddya say?"

"I-I guess that might be nice." Tamaki smiled softly as Mirio's loud cheering filled the speakers.

"Great! I'll meet you at the next stop! You won't regret it, I promise!" And with that, he hung up first. Tamaki lowered the phone from his ear and sighed, putting it back into his pocket and continuing down the sidewalk.

(Completed) Bloody Petals {Miritama}Where stories live. Discover now