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My ACTs are DONE! God, that was so stressful. 0/10 would not recommend. But, on the bright side, at least it's over now! Well...unless I have to take it again because it's possible I failed, like, half of it. Who the hell made the decision that you only get ONE HOUR to answer 60 math questions? Sigh....anyways, at least it's done for now! And I can get back to working on this book! We're getting very close to the end here, so from now on I want to ask you guys for some suggestions! What kind of Miritama book should I do after this one is over? Keep giving me suggestions, as many as you like, and in the final chapter I will put a poll in the end notes and let you all vote for the story you want!

Mirio was seated in the hallway, legs folded to his chest, when he spotted Akiyama-sensei running from the other end of the hall. She didn't even stop to look at him, simply running past him and entering Tamaki's room in the span of about three seconds. Frowning, Mirio stood and moved to the doorway so he could examine what was happening.

The nurses had Tamaki on his side, the same way he'd been told to position him in the bathroom at school when he'd had the first bad attack. As he watched, Akiyama-sensei crossed to the other side of the bed and examined him thoroughly, pressing her fingers to his throat and listening to his chest with her stethoscope. Her face remained pinched with a look of concern.

"Tamaki!" He jumped at the new voice and spun around to find Tamaki's mom, looking like she'd run all the way from their house to the hospital. Her work clothes were wrinkled, so she probably had been running. She was breathing heavily and the second Mirio stepped aside to let her inside, she ran to her son's side.

"What happened?" She asked nobody in particular. "The person on the phone just said it was an emergency."

"It seems he had another attack...from the looks of it, even worse than the one that landed him here." Akiyama-sensei said, standing up straight and looking towards Mirio and Tamaki's mom. "We're very lucky he was here in the hospital where he could recieve immediate help. He may have suffocated otherwise."

Tamaki's mom gasped and sat (or maybe collapsed was a better description) into the closest chair. Mirio stayed put beside the doorway, knowing there was nothing for him to provide to this conversation. In all honesty, he probably should have left, but he just couldn't make himself turn away. This was his fault. He should have just kept his mouth shut; he was the reason Tamaki had just nearly died.

"Can you--" Tamaki's mom's voice broke as she tried to talk. She cleared her throat a few times before trying again. "Is it possible for us to move the surgery up?"

Mirio inhaled sharply, but not a single person in the room so much as glanced his way. Akiyama-sensei pursed her lips before giving one single, grave nod. "I think that might be for the best. I don't want to take any more chances of him having an attack like this again and there being no way to stop it."

Tamaki's mom started thanking her profusely, tears running down her face as she kissed Tamaki's forehead before excusing herself. Mirio watched as Akiyama-sensei began calling out orders to the nurse and pulled out her cell phone to make calls. His stomach felt unbelievably tight, like someone had a rope tied around him, slowly increasing the tension every few seconds.

Pushing past his shock at everything that had just happened, he turned and rushed back out into the hallway to catch Tamaki's mom. He grabbed her arm, not even stopping to think about how rude that actually was, and she turned around to face him. "You can't do this to him." Mirio began. There was no time to beat around the bush.

She shook her head. "I know you're just trying to convince me to comply with what he wants, but...I just can't do it, okay? I can't just...accept my baby's death, I can't just sit back and let him die because that's what he wants. I'm sorry, but I'm not changing my mind." She tried to leave again, but Mirio stopped her.

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