Chapter 16

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Two weeks. I've been stuck out here for two weeks. I would've left by now, but I couldn't bring myself to leave Loki's body where anything could get it.

I hadn't done much. I just sat, looking around at the rolling dark fields surrounding me, denying everything.

This wasn't where I grew up. This is fake, somehow. This isn't real. Nothing happened. He's fine. He's going to sit up in a few seconds with that stupid fucking smile that I actually kinda like and we're gonna tease each other and joke around and nothing will have changed.

Nothing has changed. It can't change. It won't ever change.

I sighed, leaning back against the rock I was propped up against, and closed my eyes. That was a mistake.

The recent battle flashed across my vision, Loki dying in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it.

I gasped, my eyes shooting open and landing on his body, a question popping into my head. Why do I care so much? I used to resent him, dread our conversations. The answer hit me like a brick on the nose. He did more for me than anyone else has ever done. He gave a shit about me. He cared.

He was my friend. He was my closest friend. He cared about my feelings--most of the time--and apologized when he hurt them. And now he was gone, and I was alone again.

Maybe this is my curse--to find people and lose them right as I find out what they mean to me. To care too much about people. To try my hardest to save the lost.

To love.

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