II. Prologue

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Late at night, a Dark Elf crept into the hospital, heading to the maternity ward. Entering the first door, he found a new mother sleeping with her child next to her. He crept over, grabbed the baby, and slit the mother's throat before she could scream. He went back to his ship and returned to Svartalfheim. He brought the child directly to the laboratory, where the scientists bowed to him.

"Lord Malekith. What have you brought us?" One of the scientists said. "I've brought us a chance," Malekith answered. "What kind of chance?" The scientist asked. "A chance to kill Odin and return the realms to how it was," He said, handing the child to the scientist. "A Midgardian child," The scientist murmured. 

"Raise it here. You mustn't let it know where it's from. Do not allow it any contact other than a tutor and a trainer," Malekith ordered. "But sir, what shall we call it?" The scientists asked. Malekith looked around, his eyes eventually landing on the hospital band around the baby's wrist. Yanking it off, he read the words on the band. He watched as the scientists placed the baby into an isolated chamber with a one-way mirror to observe it.

"You shall call it Tanya,"

13 Years Later...

"Again!" The trainer barked at a 13-year-old Tanya. She grabbed the throwing knife and tossed it at the dummy, nailing it where the heart would be. "Excellent work," The trainer said. "Why am I doing this?" She asked, picking up the knife. "You have to be able to defend the realms when you restore them to their former glory," The trainer lied.

"Okay," She said sadly as the trainer left. The young girl flopped down on her white bed, sad. She went to sleep, having nothing better to do because they took all her books. The next day, she woke up, waiting for her tutor to come in. But the tutor never came, nor the trainer. They didn't come the next day or the next.

After a week, she lost hope of ever seeing anyone again. Instead, she sat in front of the mirror, staring at her reflection. After a week of this, she started talking to the reflection, having full-on conversations with it. The scientists outside watching her were nervous. Malekith visited every month and would be furious if he found out his assassin had gone insane.


"Time to go," A scientist said, walking into the room. He placed her suit, jacket, and weapons on the desk, while Tanya stared blankly at the wall. He left, and Tanya went over to the items. The scientists put up a temporary cover so she could get suited up. After taking off her white jumpsuit, she strapped all the knives into place, then put on the suit and jacket, hid the bow and arrows, and stashed a knife in her hair.

She tapped the mirror, and the scientists took the cover down. Malekith walked over to the door and opened it so the assassin could leave her home for the first time in her life. She stopped right outside, allowing Malekith to look her over. He did so, smirking at the stone-cold expression on her face. He wasn't able to see her eyes, otherwise, he would've seen that they were like broken glass.

They sent her in a small ship to Asgard, which landed on top of the palace. She easily slipped inside, observing the guards' patterns. When no one was looking, she scurried across the ceiling and slipped into the throne room, where her target was. When she got to the closest pillar, she took a good look at her target. For some reason, she couldn't bring herself to kill the old man.

She watched as he talked to two boys, who she could only assume were his sons, and a woman who seemed to be his wife was standing off to the side. After the four left, she left the throne room again. Slipping down a pillar, she crept across a wall where she knew a guard would spot her. All of the guards in the hall tackled her, clasping chains onto her neck, waist, wrists, and ankles. They put a mouthguard on her after she snapped her teeth at one of the guards, then dragged her to the throne room, where the four had returned to.

"Whatever gave you the idea to interrupt my meeting must be vital," Odin said, looking up at the guard who had gone ahead. "Sir, we found someone sneaking around the palace," The guard reported. "Bring them in," Odin ordered, as his sons went to stand by their mother. They hardly ever were able to watch during a trial. 5 guards entered, 1 free and the other 4 dragging the assassin along.

"Allow them to speak," Odin said, and the free guard moved to take the mouthguard off. As soon as it was off, the assassin snapped their teeth at the guard, biting his finger and drawing blood. The guard quickly retracted his hand, putting pressure on it to stop the bleeding. The princes watched the assassin reproachfully, while the queen watched calmly. "Why are you here?" Odin asked the assassin.

"I was sent to kill you," She responded simply. None of them could see her face, because her long black hair covered it as her head hung low. "For your crimes, you will face the axe," Odin ordered, and a guard left to go fetch such a weapon. But the woman, his wife, stopped the guard. "Frigga, what are you doing?" Odin asked.

"She is but a child. You would dare spill the blood of a minor?" Frigga's eyes narrowed at her husband dangerously. "You are lucky, but you will never see the light of day again. Take her to the dungeon," Odin ordered. The guards siezed her arms and dragged the assassin off to the dungeons. Before they did, she lifted her head to look at the others observing her. For a split second, her eyes met the younger prince's, and he saw that they were a piercing green.

The guards dragged her down to the dungeon and tossed her in a cell after removing the chains. They hadn't bothered to check her for weapons, thinking that she was going to use brute force to kill the king. They were surprised that she hadn't resisted, unlike most other prisoners. Instead, she sat in the middle of her cell, staring straight ahead. They didn't know what was going through her head, and still couldn't see her face.

But she was the Dark Assassin, and she would always be.

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