3. Gym.

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"Shit. I'm so sorry." I facepalmed myself.

To what extent can I embarrass myself?

"The name's Zaisha." I said, waving a litte.

"Can I get a picture with each one of you?" I asked.

"Yeah." Shubman said, smiling.

I did a happy dance in my head.

Handing my phone over to Sidharth, I asked him to click pictures, also whispering to just go on clicking pictures.

Shubman done.
Mayank done.
Manjot done.
Kamlesh done.

Abhay was the last one.

He kept his palm on my shoulder, and omg, I was about to explode.

Abhishek Sharma touched me.

I looked upto him with a smile on my face, and noticed he was already looking down at me.

"Thank you so much." I said, looking into his eyes. They were beautiful.

"You're welcome." He smiled.

I then turned to look at the other boys.

"Thank you so much. You guys have no idea how much this means to me." I grinned ear to ear.

"Our pleasure." Mayank said, while the rest smiled at me.

"Aishi. You got a call." Sidharth said.

I waved at the boys, mouthing bye, and walked towards Sidharth.

Taking my phone from him, I walked into the washroom.

"Hi!" I answered the call.

I saw my parents and my brother on the screen.

"Happy Birthday, Aishi!" They screamed.

"Thank you, guys!" I laughed.

"How's the party going?" Dad asked.

"It's going really good." I told him.

"Hope you're having fun." He smiled.

"Totally, dad." I smiled back.

"Your gift is waiting at the house." My mom said.

"I told you guys I don't want anything."

"Like we'd listen to you." My dad laughed.

I playfully rolled my eyes at them.

Out of nowhere, Bruce, my dog, barked.

"Bruce says happy birthday too." Zain, my brother said.

"Thank you, Bruce." I said, laughing.

"We miss you, Aishi." My mom said.

"I miss you guys too. Two more months and I'll be there." I smiled.

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