10. Shotgun kiss.

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We reached Aishi's house by 10 a.m.

"Y'all should sleep. You guys might be tired." Dhriti said.

"What do you guys usually do after coming back from Nandi?" Shubman asked.

"We drink and smoke joints before sleep takes over us." Aishi laughed.

"Let's get the party started!" Mayank shouted.

"You serious?" Aishi asked him.

"Wooohooo!" Mayank said, instead of answering Aishi directly.

"Well, okay." She laughed.

"If any of you wants to sleep, feel free to go into any of the five bedrooms." Aishi called out, before walking into the kitchen, Riya following her.

"So, I assume all of you are staying awake?" Dhriti asked us, since none of us walked away.

"Take it as a yes." I answered on behalf of all the boys.

"Good." She smiled, before getting eight glasses out.

She kept the glasses on the floor, and walked towards the glass table.

"Chill, we'll do it." I told her, when she was about to lift the table. She thanked us and walked into the kitchen.

We lifted the table and kept it on the side, making a lot of space in the middle.

Aishi walked out carrying an Old Monk bottle in one hand and a Smirnoff bottle in another. Riya was right behind her holding a Johnnie Walker bottle in one hand and a bottle of coke in another. Walking out next was Dhriti, who had rolling papers and a box in one hand, and a bottle of soda and water each in another.

While they were setting everything in the space we made, the door bell rang.

Riya quickly walked to the door. She opened it and was handed two plastic bags. She thanked the person at the door before closing it.

She then came back and took out food containers from both the bags, placing it on the floor, near the bottles.

While all of us sat in a circle on the floor, Aishi walked into the kitchen again.

A place was left for her between Manjot and I.

Aishi came back with a container of ice in her hand.

Keeping it in the middle, she sat in her place.

"So, who all smoke joint?" She asked.

Manjot and Mayank raised their hands.

"You guys want to try?" She asked, looking at me, Shubman and Kamlesh.

"No, we're good." Shubman said, chuckling.

Aishi smiled at him, before rolling the the already crushed weed. Dhriti and Riya doing the same.

"You guys seem to be experts." I chuckled.

"That's because, we are." Riya laughed.

"You both want seperate joints or are you fine with sharing?" Dhriti asked Manjot and Mayank.

"We're fine with sharing." Mayank shrugged, looking at Manjot, who nodded.

The girls then rolled three joints before lighting it up and passing it around.

We filled our glasses with the choice of our drinks before sipping it.

"Who wants a shotgun?" Aishi asked.

"Shotgun kiss?" Manjot smirked.

"Like you'd get it." Aishi chuckled, rolling her eyes, before saying, "The tunnel one."

"What's a shotgun in this context?" Kamlesh asked.

"Basically, it's transferring smoke into another person's mouth. There are three ways to do it. First way is by making a tunnel with your hands. Wait, I'll show you." Aishi said, turning towards Manjot.

She took a puff, holding the smoke in her mouth she touched one end of both her hands on her face while the other touched Manjot's hand. Manjot doing the same as Aishi, their foreheads touching. She slowly blew out the smoke in the tunnel, which Manjot sucked in. Breaking the tunnel, Manjot faced up, blowing the smoke into the air.

"Wow." Kamlesh chuckled.

"Second way is this." Aishi said, turning towards Manjot again.

She kept the joint in between her teeth carefully, the lit side of the joint inside her mouth now. Manjot sucked in the smoke from the other side of the joint. He then faced upwards again, blowing the smoke out.

"That was way two." Aishi told us.

"What's way three?" I asked.

"Way three is called the shotgun kiss. It's basically like the first way only, but here, instead of making a tunnel, you transfer the smoke mouth to mouth." She explained.

"Show us." Shubman said, excitedly.

"I am not giving Manjot a shotgun kiss." She said, laughing.

"I can see him being my bestfriend in the future, and I don't kiss my bestfriends." She said, looking at Manjot, who rolled his eyes, but with a smile.

"Friend zoned." Mayank said, laughing, causing all of us to laugh.

"You'll do it with me?" I asked.

Aishi looked at me; surprised.

"You want to?" She asked.

"Do it." I nodded.

She looked around before looking at me again.

"Are you sure?" She asked again.

All I did was nod my head.

"Okay." She shrugged, still unsure.

"The minute I smoke into your mouth, suck it in slowly, but make sure it doesn't go to your throat because that would end up making you cough. All you have to do is break the mouth to mouth and blow it out. Okay?" She explained.

I nodded at her.

She took a puff and leaned in.

Looking into her eyes, I connected my lips to hers. She blew the smoke into my mouth as I sucked it in slowly, just like how she explained. I broke the contact, and blew the smoke upwards and into the air.

"Woah!" Shubman exclaimed.

I looked at Aishi, who was already looking at me.



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