14. Right place.

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I woke up to see Aishi curled into me.

Quietly taking my arm below her head, I turned over to my side of the bed.

I checked my phone, it was 4:30 in the morning. I also had two whatsapp texts from Shubman.

I turned around only to meet a pair of black eyes looking to mine.

"You're awake?" I asked.

"Yeah." She smiled.

We were looking at each other, but had this one arm distance between us.

"Are you still high?" I asked her.

"Always." She laughed.

"What happened last night?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Nothing much. Everyone slept by the end of the movie and you were continuously laughing. I brought you into my room so they wouldn't wake up." I informed.

"I like it how we always end up sleeping in the same bed." She laughed.

I chuckled before staring at her.

"What's up?" She asked.

"If you're okay with it, could you like tell me about your past relationship?" I asked her.

"Why wouldn't I be okay with it?" She questioned, chuckling.

"I don't know. I just felt...." I shrugged.

"So.... his name was Aditya, and he was my senior back in school. We started dating when I was in 11th grade, and it was his final year of school. The first five months went by really nice. I don't really know what happened after that. He didn't really seem interested in the relationship I guess. He didn't have time to meet or even text me. According to him, he was too busy with football practices, but obviously even that has a specific time limit. We even broke up a few times, but I was just too attached to him that I went back to him every single time, even though I knew it wasn't really worth it and I'd end up breaking my heart again. I literally let him fuck with my life. Arguments with him affected my life. I had stopped being myself or living my life. I broke up with him for good two months before I was about to graduate school. I was just so tired of his bullshit that I didn't even text him after that. I felt happy and alive. He tried mending things but obviously I wasn't going to fall for it. So, yeah, it ended for the best." She said with a huge grin on her face.

"Seems like your past has taught you quite the lesson of moving away when people or relationship get toxic." I stated.

"Well yeah. In the end the most important piece of advice that my past has given me is to enjoy life while you're living it. You can never know which moments will be the ones that you'll remember and when happiness will hit you. So be open for anything at any time. Do not fret over the past but learn from it and make new memories everyday, for there is only one life and one chance." She said.

"So does this mean you're not going to fall in love again or what?" I asked.

"Well, hello! If that was the case, I wouldn't have fallen for you." She chuckled.

Before I could even open my mouth she spoke again.

"Look. Life is too short to fall for people who don't love you loudly, or for relationships that don't set fire to your soul. Our time on this earth is impermanent and in those years we must love fearlessly. You'll make mistakes while finding your 'the one'. But when the person you're meant to be with comes around, you'll know."

"And how do we know who's the person you're meant to be with?" I questioned her.

"The person you're meant to be with will challenge you, will push you, will drive you crazy. Make you happy and confused and show what real, complicated love is, all at the same time.
The person you're meant to be with will terrify you because they make you feel something greater than anything and anyone else.
So this is what you need to know about love- you must always chase the person who scares you. Do not settle for comfort. Love wildly."

"But how can you be so sure that it's meant for me or anyone?" I asked.

"If it's meant for you, it won't be toxic. It won't bring out your insecurities or your fears or the worst in you, because it'll only bring peace into your heart.
If it's meant for you, it won't feel like a burden. You won't have to explain anyone why it's not bad as they think it is or maybe go to sleep wondering if you're lying to yourself. You'd be sure that it's right for you.
If it's meant for you, it won't feel like a war. A war with yourself because you're letting it drag on you or because you can't get out of it. A war with love because part of you knows that it shouldn't be this hard.
If it's meant for you, you won't have to constantly question yourself. You won't have to look for signs or ask for advice or look for confirmation that it's right. You'd just know.
If it's meant for you, it won't break your heart. There may be disappointments, conflicts or letdowns but it will never break your spirit." She said.

I looked at her in awe.

"How do you know all these things?"

"Because what's meant for you doesn't come around very often, but when it does, when it's not another lesson or another mistake, when it's finally yours after everything you've endured and everything you've been through, it comes like a wave washing over you. It feels like home." She said, smiling at me.

I didn't know what to say, and so I just smiled at her.

"Rather than waiting for the right time, sometimes you just have to wait for the right place." She stated.

"Sometimes right place is a person." I said, looking into her eyes.



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