23. Only option.

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"She isn't coming today also?" I asked Dhriti as soon as she entered the gym.

"Nope. She just began to feel alright, so she's resting." She informed.

I nodded at her as Mayank hugged Dhriti from behind. He finally got the courage to ask her out and boom! She really likes his company and more importantly as a person, so she decided to give him a chance. And, now they've been dating for like five days.

Walking away from them, I returned to the leg press machine and continued with my workout.

It's been a whole week since my confession and Aish still hasn't said anything. She's trying to keep her distance from me and I can see it. Whenever I call or text, she tries to keep the conversation short, which usually isn't her.

On top of all this, she fell ill and doesn't want anyone to see her. The boys and I had visited her two days back, and she did a lot of drama to even open the door of her room, but eventually she ended up opening it. She looked really weak, and was burning with temperature.

I couldn't even speak to her privately because she had fallen asleep in the middle of the conversation with everyone. But even during the conversation not once did she make eye contact with me.

Was it a mistake to confess my feelings? Did I rush?

I don't even know what's holding her back, because she confessed about her feelings... but she wasn't sober.

But drunken hearts speak the truth, right?


I turned my attention to a worried looking Shubman.

"Tu thik hai na?" He asked.

"Haa. Kyu?"

"You've been holding the weights from such a long time and you look lost." He said, and that's when I realized that I've actually been holding these weights up.

I lowered my legs and got off the machine.

Sitting on the ground, I leaned my back on the machine.

"It's Aishi, isn't it?" He asked, sitting beside me.

"We're leaving day after tomorrow and I haven't spoken to her properly after that incident."

"Abhay, she's ill."

"That's not it. She's trying to keep her distance from me, don't you see it?" I asked, running my fingers through my hair.

"You're overthinking man."

I shook my head and looked up only to meet Dhriti's eyes. She gave me a sad smile and walked to where I was sitting.


"It is what it is, isn't it?" I asked her.

She sighed and sat infront of me.

"She's just trying to figure it out, Abhay."

"Figure what out, Dhriti? She knows she's got feelings for me. I know she's got feelings for me. You guys know she's got feelings for me. Then what the fuck does she want to figure out?" I asked rudely.

"I'm sorry, Dhri. I didn't mean-"

"Hey. It's okay. You don't have to apologise. She's just scared." Dhriti said, interrupting me.

"Scared of what?" I asked her.

"Abhay, you and her are totally different. She's a wild soul whereas you're calm. She's just scared that things won't work out between you guys."

"She wouldn't know, unless she tries, Dhri."

"But we can't force her into something she doesn't want, right?"

I sighed before nodding my head.

"Abhay, she's scared that she'll be the reason for your distraction." Dhriti told me.

"Why and what is she thinking? Is she stupid?" I asked, totally frustrated.

"She thinks her smoking and drinking habits would affect the both of you."

"That isn't a problem, Dhri. Maybe, at some point, I'd get annoyed-"

"That's exactly what she meant." Dhriti said, interrupting me.

"Abhay, Aishi is an eagle. She's free and wild. Getting into a relationship with you is somewhat equal to getting into a relationship with the media too. She has to restrict herself from doing things which she wants to only because she has to keep your reputation. And Aishi is someone, who'd be okay doing it only once or twice. No one controls Aishi's life other than Aishi. She does what she likes, what she wants. And, you wouldn't like articles written down about your girlfriend smoking or drinking like there's no tomorrow, would you? Wouldn't this effect your game some way or the other? Just think about it, Abhay. And it's not me telling all these things. These are Aishi's words."

I shook my head again.

Running my fingers through my hair, I sighed.

"Come home tomorrow and speak to her if you want to." Dhri said before walking away.

"Abhay, kal jaake Aishi se baat kar." Shubman suggested.

"That's like the only option now."




~ Tu thik hai na?- You're fine, right?

~ Haa. Kyu?- Yeah, why?

~ Abhay, kal jaake Aishi se baat kar- Abhay, go and speak to Aishi tomorrow.

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