18. Wild.

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I woke up and realized I was the only one on the bed.

Rubbing my eyes, I sat up straight and noticed a note stuck on the headboard of the bed.

Good morning Beautiful,

I'm at the training now. Will be back soon. You're bunking college today 'cuz we're going out for lunch and then I got some surprise planned for you. Your new set of clothes are on the couch.

Get ready by 12:30.

-Abhay xx

A smile made its way on to my face.

I don't know if it's for the note, or because he called me beautiful, or because I'm going out with him. Or maybe because all of the above.

Grabbing my phone, I checked the time.

12:30 p.m.

Just then the door swung open and in came Mr. Abhishek Sharma.

"Oooops." I said, laughing.

"Wow. Let me guess. You just woke up?" He asked me, keeping his kit on the couch.

"Maaaaybeeee." I sang.

He looked at me for a minute before shaking his head and laughing.

Abhay was already in a pair of black jeans and white button down.

"If you're done checking me out could you go get ready?" He asked me, smirking.

"Going." I chuckled, getting up from the bed.


"So you were stoned yesterday and you told me something." Abhay said and I choked on my food.

"Aaraam se." He said, handing me my glass of water.

"Wh-what did I say?" I asked him, very terrified to hear what comes out of his mouth.

"More like confessed something." He smirked.

I'm pretty sure my eyes turned into the size of a cricket ball by now.

"And what was it?" I asked him quietly.

"You don't remember?" He asked me, a smile playing on his lips.


"Anything?" He asked.

I think I saw a glint of hope in his eyes or maybe I'm just overthinking.

"Nothing." I said, shaking my head slowly.

"You confessed that....." He started.

"God, Abhay, just get done with it. I'm having an anxiety attack." I rolled my eyes at him.

He chuckled at my behaviour.

"You confessed that I'm the hottest guy you've ever laid your eyes on." He said.

I couldn't stop myself from blushing.


What is wrong with you Zaisha Kapoor?

Stupid Zaisha. Stupid Zaisha.

"Look at your cheeks turn red." He commented.

"Shut up." I mumbled.

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