19. Surreal.

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It was around 2 in the afternoon.

I decided to surprise Aishi by taking her out for lunch.

Wearing a light blue tshirt, black jeans and white nike high tops, I grabbed my wallet, phone and aviators from the table.

"Kaha jaa raha?" Shubman asked me, the minute I stepped outside.

"Bahar." I told him.

He gave me a look saying 'Tell-me-the-whole-thing'.

"Aishi ko bahar leke jaa raha hu." I said.

He smirked at me which caused me to blush and him to laugh later.

"Have fun." He said, walking into his room.


I leaned on the car outside Aishi's college, texting her.

Where are you?

She replied within a second.

Z- Class. Why do you ask?

A- I'm waiting outside your college.

Z- YOU WHAT?!?!?

A- I. am. waiting. outside. your. college.

Z- I read it the first time only Abhay🤦🏻‍♀️ I was just shocked.

A- Uhuh.

Z-  Will come down after this class.

A- How long?

Z- A minute more.

A- Why're you texting me? Don't you have to concentrate in class? xD

Z- You're more interesting than the class. xD

A- 😂😂

Z- Just kidding. xD

Z- I don't like business economics.

A- You only like me. 😎

Z- Umm... no?

A- Shut up.😏

Z- 😂😂😂😂

Z- Okay, the class is done, I'm coming out.

A- Waiting.

Z- Won't people see you?

A- People always see me.😎

Z- God, you're so full of yourself.😏 I meant, literally the entire college bunks at this hour, won't people see you?

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