17. In love.

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"You know, I like the high Aishi more." Abhay said.

Yup. You guessed it right. High, again.

The boys, Dhriti and Riya weren't coming back till 2 a.m. Apparently they found a really good club and are partying, while Abhay and I are sitting in his room; me smoking a joint and him looking at me smoke a joint and drinking.

"Why?" I asked, laughing.

"Because only I get to see this Aishi. Only I get to experience special moments with this Aishi." He told me.

I finished my joint and looked at him before gulping down his glass of whiskey and emptying it.

"And. I think itna kaafi hai." He stated before clearing things away from the bed.

I stayed silent looking at him keep the whiskey bottle and the ashtray on the table.

"What're you looking at?" He questioned.


I smiled at him before grabbing my phone from the bed side table. Playing Kahi toh hogi woh, I closed my eyes, listening to it.

I felt someone's finger tuck in the loose strands of my hair behind my ear. I opened my eye lids to see Abhay sitting infront of me.

Taking my hands in his, he got me off the bed. He kept my arms around his neck, keeping his own around my waist.

I looked into his eyes and smiled while we danced.

"Saasei kho gayi hai kiski aaho mei,
Mai kho gayi hu jaane kiski baaho mei." I sang, keeping my head on his chest and my arms around his torso; hugging him.

We stayed like that, hugging each other for a few minutes.

"You make me glow, like the colours in a rainbow." I whispered, trying to look into his eyes as my eye lids droop down.

He smiled at me before leading me to the bed.

Switching off the lights, he put his arm around my waist pulling me to him.

If I Could Fly from One Direction started playing next.

Just me, him and music.


"If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you
I think I might give up everything, just ask me to." I sang softly.

I looked up at Abhay, who was already looking at me.

He passed me a small smile before leaning in. I closed my eyes and felt his lips against mine a few seconds later.

I couldn't help but smile into the kiss.

We pulled away and just looked at each other for god alone knows how many minutes.

"For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only" I sang, looking into his eyes.

"It feels different to be with you." I stated.

"How does it feel different?" He whispered.

"It feels like I'm safe. It feels like no one can hurt me. I'm under your warm embrace, feeling your muscles around my waist, my body being pulled closer to yours. This feeling is indescribable. When they say it's the best feeling ever, they aren't kidding. Because in this moment, there isn't a place I'd rather be. I'm intoxicated by the feel of your arms around me." I said.

He was about to say something, but I spoke again.

"I'm in love with you, Abhishek Sharma. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have confessed if I was in my senses, but I guess stoned hearts speak the truth. I wouldn't even remember any of this tomorrow." I said, laughing.

"And I don't want you to tell me about this tomorrow when I wake up. I don't want to spoil anything. I like it how it is now. I love you with no worries of my heart getting broken. This is our place. We're us when I'm high." I smiled at him.

"You know Aishi, last night I looked at you and I could feel it." He told me.

"Feel what?" I asked.

"I could feel the love that filled my entire body. The kind that made my toes curl and the kind of love that circulated through my veins. I could feel myself blush from having all types of emotions running rampant against my skin. The kind of love that made me want to scream all my worries and fears out so they have no way of finding their way back in. The kind that took my breath away just by the mention of our love being spoken in your tone. A soft voice that whispered kindness and sweet promises." He said, looking at me.

What he said next sent shivers down my spine.

"Last night I looked at you and thought- ah, so this is how love is supposed to feel."




~ Itna kaafi hai- This much is enough.

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