8. Nice room.

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"You guys come home after you're done. I've texted Abhay the address already. Get extra clothes, we might end up making new plans, you never know." I said.

After the boys said okay, Dhriti and I said bye to Neel and the boys before making our way back home.

I straight away headed to take a shower, the minute we reached home. After taking a long hot shower, I wore a pair of blue cotton shorts and a black tshirt. I blow dried my hair, leaving it free.

Walking out of my room, I straight away went into the kitchen.

"What do you guys want for dinner?" I asked, walking out and into the living room.

"Paneer manchurian." Riya said, sitting on the couch beside Dhriti.

"With schezwan fried rice." Dhriti called out.


The minute I was done with paneer manchurian, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Riya said.

I kept the manchurian aside, and took the rice out of the pressure cooker, and kept it aside too.

"Come in."

"What's cooking?"

I heard people talking from the living room, and so I walked in there.

"Hey." I said.

"Ooo. Masterchef in the house." Mayank joked, looking at my apron.

I rolled my eyes at him with a smile on my face.

"Sit." I said, motioning them to the couch.

"Does paneer manchurian and schezwan fried rice sound good for dinner?" I asked them, after they were seated.

"You can cook?" Manjot asked me.

"Taste for yourself once I'm done." I chuckled, walking back into the kitchen.

"You guys got a nice house." I heard Abhay say from the living room.

"We'll give you a tour of the house, come on." Dhriti said.

While they were touring the house, I cut carrots, beans and capsicums. Once done, I took a large utensil, placing it on the stove. I put in some oil and let it heat. I then added the vegetables in it, stirring them occasionally. I added the cooked rice and Ching's schezwan fried rice spice powder and mixed it. After I was sure that it combined well, I decided to cut spring onions.

While I was chopping them, Abhay came into the kitchen.

"You've got a nice room." He smirked.

"Thanks." I chuckled.

My room was decorated with fairy lights, soft toys, pictures of my family and friends and Zayn Malik posters.

I had Abhay's cutouts and posters inside my wardrobe door and I mentally thanked myself for doing it.

Can't risk embarrassing myself again.

"Nice wardrobe too." He said.

"Tha- what?"

I looked at him, absolutely shocked.

"Dhriti and Riya showed it to me." He shrugged, the smirk still playing on his face.

I shook my head, blushing.

"This is embarrassing." I laughed while Abhay smiled at me.

I chopped the green onions and garnished it on the fried rice, and kept a lid on the utensil, preventing the heat to escape.

I took off the apron and grabbed eight plates.

"Want some help?" Abhay asked.

"I'll do it, it's fine. You can go sit." I told him.

"Give me these plates." He said, grabbing the plates from my hand and making his way to the dining table.

I took the utensil containing paneer manchurian and walked outside. While I got eight glasses, Abhay got the utensil containing the schezwan fried rice and placed it on the table. I got two jars, one filled with water, while the other one was filled with coke, and kept it on the table.

"Dinner is ready." I called out.

Everyone soon sat around the table, serving themselves and eating.

"This is really good." Shubman said, taking another bite.

I thanked him and turned to look at Manjot.

"So, can I cook?" I asked him, smirking.

"Very well." He chuckled.

I took a bite of my food when Kamlesh said, "Nice room with a really nice wardrobe, Aishi."

That's when I choked on my food.

Everyone laughed while I sipped my water.

I rolled my eyes, keeping the glass back on the table.

Taking another bite of my food, I looked up to see Abhay, who was looking at me.

He winked.

That's when I choked on my food. Again.



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