20. Strawberry flavour.

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"Where are we going now?" I asked Abhay.

"Surprise surprise."

"I'm going to punch you. Tell me." I chuckled.

"You'll see, Aish." He said.

"Aish? New nickname?" I smirked.

"Yeah. I like it." He winked.

And I like you. So much.

But obviously Zaisha Kapoor isn't going to tell you that.

"What're you thinking?" Abhay asked, glancing at me.

"You know the other day I spoke to Dhriti." I started.



"What did she say?" He asked.

"So I started with asking if she liked anyone and she said no. Then I started speaking about Mayank and how good of a human being he is with those god blessed looks and she some how caught on it and asked whether Mayank likes her."

"And what did you say?"

"I said yes."

"Then what did she say?" He questioned.

"First thing she did was smile. She later said that he's a nice guy. So I asked if she would ever go out with him to which she said yeah, only to see if things could actually work with him or not and you know, to get to know him more." I ended.

"Is that a cue for Mayank?" He asked.


"Will convey."

"Good. So now where are we going?" I questioned again.


"Sankey Tank!" I exclaimed happily as Abhay parked the car.

We walked in and sat on the grass, looking at the lake.

"It's the second day we're missing gym." I informed him.

"Wow Aish. I brought you to such a romantic place to watch sunset and all you could think about is us missing gym?"

"Since two days." I added.

"Are you serious!" He exclaimed, shaking his head.

I couldn't help but laugh at his over dramatic behaviour.

"I've spoken to Neel. He's given us a break of three days." He said.

"So, does that mean we're going out tomorrow too?" I asked.

"What's your attendance percentage?"

I rolled my eyes at his question.


He looked at me for a few seconds.

"Okay fine, 84%." I huffed, rolling my eyes, which caused him to chuckle.

"Then, maybe, yeah." He said, emphasising on the word 'maybe'.

"Strike maybe, because we are." I said, emphasising on the words 'we are'.

He shook his head; smiling.

"Tell me about yourself." He started.

"What do you want to know?"

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