5. Joint Party

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"Joint party!" Dhriti screamed, the minute I entered the house.

"Wow guys." I chuckled, looking at Dhriti and Riya sitting on the floor, crushing weed.

"I'll quickly change and join you guys." I said, going into my room.

Dhriti, Riya and I live in the same house. Riya's parents are in Mumbai. She's in Bangalore for college. Dhriti's parents live here in Bangalore, but she still stays with us anyway. Talking about me, my parents live in Delhi, but I'm in Bangalore for college too.

I changed into a pair of shorts and a tee before walking out of the room.

"Did you guys order something for dinner or do I cook?" I asked them, tieing my hair into a bun.

"Chinese food on its way." Riya informed me.

I nodded and sat between the two of them, crushing the available weed.

Taking my phone out, I logged into my private Instagram account, took a picture of what we were doing and uploaded it on my story.

Crushing weed taught us to pick only good and leave bad.

Once we were done, we took out a golden rolling paper and rolled out three joints. 

Just when we were done, the bell rang. Riya went to get it, bringing our food inside.

She kept the food in the middle, and jogged into the kitchen, bringing out an Old Monk bottle in one hand and a bottle of coke in another.

"Woah." I chuckled.

"Let's end your birthday on a really really high note." She winked at me.

I got what she meant. Shaking my head, I smiled at her.


I was on the treadmill when Zaisha and Dhriti walked into the gym.

Zaisha was wearing a pair of sport shorts and some really loose tshirt, whereas Dhriti was wearing a sports bra and yoga pants.

We spoke to Dhriti yesterday. She's really sweet, and the girl version of Mayank.

"You guys are an hour late." Neel said, looking at his watch.

"Sorry. We woke up an hour ago." Dhriti said, keeping her bag down. Zaisha followed her.

"And before you ask, yeah, we bunked college today." She added.

"And why?" Neel asked, keeping his hands on his waist now.

"Stoned." Dhrithi kept it short.

"Weed?" Neel asked.

"Yup." She said.

"You guys are 19." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"And you're my brother, not my mom." She said, rolling her eyes.

While the two of them were bickering, Zaisha had already started working out.

She caught my eye and smiled, before going back to what she was doing.


"Zaisha pull!" Neel said.

"I am." She said, trying to pull the lat bar down.

Neel increased the weight, and Zaisha went flying up, again.

"Is this how high you got last night?" Neel joked.

Zaisha tried to kick him while still hanging on the lat bar.

She got down on her feet and walked away to drink some water.

I looked down for a minute before looking at her again. But this time, she wasn't alone. Manjot was talking to her.

Does he like her or something?

Shaking my thoughts away, I walked towards the bench press.


"So, what's up?" Shubman asked me.

I gave him a confused look.

"I saw you throwing a few death stares at Mandy whenever he spoke to Zaisha." He smirked.

"Kuch bhi." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right." He chuckled.

I looked at Manjot who was still talking to Zaisha. He said something and Zaisha started laughing.

Looking away from them, I continued lifting the dumbbells.

It was 8p.m., and we were almost done.

"You guys want to go out for dinner?" Manjot asked Zaisha and Dhriti.

Obviously, why didn't I see this coming?

"Sure. Is it okay if we call another person? Well, she's home alone and probably waiting for us." Dhrithi spoke.

"Sure, why not!" Manjot smiled.

Dhriti excused herself for a minute, walking to her bag, while Manjot and Zaisha spoke.

"Where are we going though?" Dhriti asked.

Manjot looked at us, asking, "Where do we go?"

"Spice Terrace, JW?" Kamlesh spoke.

Manjot looked back at the girls asking for their confirmation.

"Fine with us." Zaisha said.

"Cool." He smiled at her.

Nice. Nice. Nice.

"We'll just go home, change and meet you guys there directly, cool?" Dhriti asked us.

"Yeah, done." Shubman said.

"You're coming, right?" Manjot asked Neel, who was typing on his phone.

"Uhm, no. You guys carry on, I got people coming." He smiled.

Zaisha and Dhriti hugged Neel and bid us goodbye before leaving.




~ Kuch bhi- Anything/whatever

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