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(A/N: This is the last chapter. Don't kill me please. Also, don't forget to read the author's note in the next slide.)


We checked out of the hotel and made our way to the airport.

Dhriti was with us the entire journey for Mayank obviously. The two had grown closer and it was nice seeing them together. I was happy for Mayank.

Dhriti informed that Riya would directly meet us at the airport. I asked her whether Aish would be coming too and she seemed negative with the answer. I shouldn't be surprised though.

The entire ride I kept thinking about Aish.

How easily we get deceived in love. What felt like honey once, turned into poison today.

Aish is like the bubble in a champagne. Always rises on the top, never settles at the bottom. She is like the first star in the sky after the sunset.

She taught me that love can be an amazing and beautiful thing but she also taught me that it'll keep you up till midnight, wondering how much more pain I can endure.

I hate how we never got our chance to see what we could've been.

You know you really love someone, when you don't hate them for breaking your heart. Sometimes, you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be.

It's so much easier to act like none of this matters and to pretend to wear a smile than to confess my heart is nearly broken from losing someone who was never really mine.

In the end, we're all humans, drunk on the idea that love, only love could heal our brokenness.

I realised that no matter at what age, you'll stumble upon someone who will start a fire in you that cannot die. However, the saddest, most awful truth you will ever come to find, is they are not always with whom we spend our lives.

She made me feel like I actually have a chance with her but when I tried, she made me realise I never really did.

People fall in love without reason, without even wanting to. You can't predict it, that's love. And that's what happened to me. I fell in love with her without any reason, without even wanting to. And when I did, she broke my heart into a million pieces.

I can't even blame her, because she's right from her point of view too.

Isn't it ironic, how we tell others to stay strong, yet we can't do it ourselves?

It's so difficult to forget someone who gave you so much to remember.


We still had thirty minutes more before we could check in. Sitting in the CCD area, we sipped our coffee.

Shubman nudged me and looked behind me.

I turned around and saw Aish and Riya walking towards us.

Her eyes were swollen and red. She was wearing a pair of denim jeans with white sweatshirt and white converse.

She kept looking down and being pulled by Riya to where we were sitting.

I kept looking at her while she kept looking at her shoes.

"Yeah, Aishi. Nice shoes there." Manjot joked.

She chuckled slightly and looked up.

Everyone spoke except me and Aish. We kept stealing glances at each other but did not utter even a single word.

Soon it was time for us to leave.

"Next time you guys come down to Bangalore, let us know in advance, we'll have so many things planned." Riya said.

"Yes, ma'am." I chuckled, while hugging her.

"My little boy, I'll miss you." Dhriti said dramatically.

"I'll miss you too, mum." I said while wiping my non existent tears before laughing and hugging her.

I looked around for Aish, who was hugging Mayank. She pulled away and whispered something in his ears which led both of them to laugh.

Just the sight of her makes me smile.

She locked her eyes with me before walking towards me.

Without even saying a single word I hugged her.

You know, one of the best feelings in the world is when you're hugging a person you love and they hug you even tighter.

I knew that in this moment if I let her go, I'd lose her and I did not want that. But that's exactly what I did. I let her go.

She looked at me and smiled.

She hugged me one last time before handing over a letter to me.

"Read this after you've sat in the plane." She told me.

I nodded and looked at her one last time before walking inside the airport with the boys.

We finished our check- in and were now boarding the flight. I sat in my seat, next to Shubman.

Just when I'd given up on her I read her letter, giving me all the confidence and reasons to win her. To win us.

Mr. Crush,

My parents always warned me about drugs sold on the street, but never about the ones with deep brown eyes and a heartbeat.

You're just a stupid brown haired boy with brown eyes, so tell me why am I more addicted to you than I am to any drug?

Don't you think it's beautiful how the moon glows using the sun's light? And the sun never asks for anything in return.
You know, there are only two things I'll forever be sure of. The sun will always fall for the moon, and I will always fall for you.

I'm sorry for what I'm putting the two of us through, but I guess it's the best for us.

To be honest, I don't have the words to make you feel better, but I do have a heart; a heart that's aching to see you smile again.

You know Abhay, sometimes you have to let people go. Let them go because they're toxic to you. Let them go because they take and take and leave you empty. Let them go because in the ocean of life when all you're trying to do is stay afloat, they are the anchor that's drowning you down. And in this case, I'm the anchor. Trust me Abhay, I don't want you to drown. I want you to fly like an eagle, touch heights that only you can. I don't want to hold you back.

Some day when my children would be talking about how amazing of a cricketer you are, I'll tell them our story, that how beautiful of a person you are too. I'll tell them how I fell in love with you.

And if you think I'd forget about you or the moments we shared, then you're absolutely wrong.

Don't ever forget, I'll love you as long as the sun burns in the sky, as long as the moon shines its light into the dark night, until the raging blue oceans become calm and run dry. I will love you till the end of time.

Maybe you weren't meant for me in this lifetime, but I'll search for your brown eyes in the next, in hopes that they'll be mine.

Remember, I'll lose my heart to you, time and time again. Till my life force runs out.

- Aish xx

P.S- If you were a drug,
I'd forever be



Also, don't forget to read the next slide! It has all the information about the sequel to this book.

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