Part 10

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~Riley's POV~

Yes! Finally that bitch is gone. I swam to Payton and taped his shoulder. He turned around and I started talking.

R: hey Payton!

P: uh hi

R: you look hot

P: thanks?

Is he not going to compliment me? Ohhhh he probably speechless because of how beautiful I am!

R: you're so sweet!

P: I didn't even say anything.

Ugh he's so hot. Just looking at him makes me horny! I need to get him in the mood for the next part of the plan. I grazed my hand over his crouch. Once he felt my felt my hand he backed up a little.

R: oh sorry that was an accident.

P: uh ok

I took a step closer and was about to fully grab his crouch but I was stop by someone yelling.

~Your POV~

Ok I've been sitting in the kitchen for a few minutes now ,and I start to think that I should go back now. Wait I forgot about the balcony! I quickly went upstairs and into Chase and Charlie's room. Yes it's unlocked.

I went to the balcony and looked down. I saw that Riley was getting closer to Payton and he was looking really uncomfortable. I can tell that she's planing something. This is too hilarious.

I decided to stop being mean and actually help him, so I yelled for everyone's attention.



Everyone went out of the pool and looked up at me. I looked over and I saw that Riley was pissed because Payton wasn't giving her any attention. HAHA. I then went over the railing and looked down


I flipped Josh off before jumping. I had to show off a little bit, so I did a front flip and then ended with a cannonball. Once I was in the water fully I swam up to the surface then looked at everyone. Everyone expected Riley was cheering. And yes Luna was actually paying attention for once and was cheering as well.

S: you should try it Josh. It was really fun!

Jo: um no I'm good down here.

S: who's the pussy know!

Jo: shut up!

We all laughed then they all came back into the water. Payton quickly swam to me and Riley kept her distance. He then grabbed my waist and brought our body's closer.

P: did you have fun torturing me?

S: yes, yes I did!

He rolled his at me and I started laughing. Payton and I talked and joked for a while until it was time to leave the pool. We ordered some pizza then ate it when it arrived.

Luna and Jaden went upstairs after they finished eating ,and Riley went to her room when she realized I'm not leaving Payton side any time soon.

N: can we do the shoes now?


The girls and I ran upstairs like children, while the boys were laughing at us. We decided to do everything in my room because it was the cleanest.

Avani brought all of the materials to my room and placed it on my bed. We all sat on the floor with our shoes in our laps and got started.

Ch: so what's up with you and Payton.

Stay Out Of Trouble//Payton MoormeierWhere stories live. Discover now