Part 29

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~Payton's POV... six months later~

So right now I'm on a date with Samantha. She's my loving girlfriend. The day that she was taken away, they brought her back the following day. Now we live happily ever after... I wish. This is what's really happening.

It's been six months. Six fucking months and none of us know where Samantha is! We don't even know if she's alive or not. We've tried contacting the police and said that it was all a big miss understanding but they can't give us any information. Samantha and I's birthday has past and that was by far the worst week of my life. Now we're in the middle of December.

Every day I would act like I'm fine, but in reality I'm not. Every night I cry myself to sleep. It's been so hard. I miss Samantha more than anything. Right now I'm in my room just thinking, What can I do?

WAIT A MINUTE! Didn't Samantha use to hookup with a cop to get her out of trouble. Maybe he can help. She might have his number on her phone.

I quickly ran to her room and got her phone. I entered her password. If you were wondering why I know her password, well she set it as our birthdays. 2128

The next thing I did was was go to her contacts. Shit what was that guys name? Umm oh Avani might know!



Seconds later Avani walked threw the door.

Av: you called

P: yes I need your help. Come sit down.

She did as I said and sat down right next to me.

Av: what's up

P: so do you remember that guy Samantha use to hookup with to get out of trouble?

Av: yes?

P: he might know what happened to Samantha. Or how we could help her. Do you remember his name? I want to try and find his phone number.

Av: omg that's a great idea! And yeah I remember his name. It was Aiden.

P: oh yeah!

I searched up Aidan in her contacts and found him. Aiden Luke. I looked over at Avani and she nodded. I called his number from my phone and waited for him to pick up


Aiden: hello?

P: hi is this Aiden Luke

Aiden: yes? May I ask who's calling.

P: oh yeah my name is Payton. Me and my friends need your help. It's about Samantha.

Aiden: Samantha! What happened to her?

I explained to him everything. From the reason on why she was in LA to why she's getting punished.

Aiden: ok I have no clue what the punishment is but I think I know how to help you. I'll be in LA tomorrow after noon.

P: ok thank you so much!

Aiden: no problem talk to you later bye.

P: bye.

I ended the phone call and looked at Avani.

Av: so?

P: he said he doesn't know what's happening to her but he knows how to help. He's going to be here tomorrow afternoon.

Av: ok let's go tell the others

We went downstairs preparing to tell everyone the news.

~Aidens POV~

Stay Out Of Trouble//Payton MoormeierWhere stories live. Discover now