Part 4

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~Jadens POV~
(At 1am)

I woke up to my phone ringing. I checked the caller ID and it said unknown. I wanted to know who it was so I picked it up and went into the hall way so I don't wake up Luna.

~on the call~
J: hello?

O2: hey Jaden. I need the favor now.

J: oh hey officer. What do I need to do?

O2: first I have some questions.

J: go on

O2: 1. How many people live in your house?

J: 14. 7 boys and 7 girls. We're all friends. Well mostly.

O2: perfect! How many bedrooms are in your house? And do you have extras

J: We have ten rooms. But one is my girlfriends old room. She sleeps in my room so that room is free.

O2: I'm assuming there are a few couples in the house?

J: correct. There are five couples.

O2: ok, here's is what going to go down. There's a girl who is currently in Ohio. She's been kick out of the state due to her behavior. She is going to live with you and your friends for a few months. She's going to be at your house at noon today. Got it?

J: um yea? I'll go tell my friends but I have one question.

O2: yes?

J: will she hurt us?

O2: if she's smart, no. There is this punishment that she is aware of. If she breaks any law she would have to deal with the consequences. If she hurts you or any of your friends call me and I'll take her away.

J: ok um thank you. Good night officer

O2: good night

~end of call~
He hung up and I saved his contact as "officer" on my phone. I knocked on everyone's doors and yelled.


After five minutes everyone was down stairs in the living room pissed.


J: listen guys I can explain, it's important

I told them everything that the cop told me and they all had a scared look on there faces. Except Avani though. She was pretty chill about it. Everyone was yelling at Anthony and I for getting them into this, for ten minutes straight. I don't know how many times we need to apologize. Like dämn.

J: we should get to bed guys. It's late and she's coming at noon

Everyone sighed and went back to bed. Tomorrow is going to be ... interesting.

~Back to your POV~
~the next morning~

I woke up to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw the police officer was hovering above me.

Stay Out Of Trouble//Payton MoormeierWhere stories live. Discover now