Nagato & Mutsu: Masters of Foxes & The Katana

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Ever since I landed in that forest, I felt like someone was watching me... maybe not just one but two. Last night when I went to bed I saw two figures, they were just standing there. I wish I opened my window to confront the figures, but I felt tired. I'm also suspicious of that fox I saw as well. *sign* I have too watch out for whoever is watching me and the Ironblood faction. I heard that faction are far dangerous from the other factions I encountered.

I stared at the ocean for a while.

Takao then placed her hand on my shoulder.

Takao: Are you okay, Minato?

Minato: I... don't know.

Akagi: Commander, would you like sometime with Takao?

Minato: I guess...

Akagi: Alright.

Hiryuu: You better not take long.

Taihou: Date that girl and I'll kill you...

Akira: Aw man, do I have to leave too???

Akagi: Yes, Joker. Come on. Let's go.

Akira: What?!

Hiryuu: Pssh... stop acting like a kid... come on.

Taihou: Spend more time with Commander and I'll have you stabbed...

They headed somewhere and dragged Akira to come with them, poor guy.

Takao: Will he be okay?

Minato: Probably...

Minato: Anyway. I thought you died?

Takao: Thanks to your construction, I came back to life.

Minato: How though?

Takao: Eh... it's complicated, I'm glad to see you again though.

Minato: Well, you should thank your sister for making me bring you back...

Takao: Oh right, was she drinking while I was gone?

Minato: Nope, she changed after... we got married.

Takao: Right. I will go visit my sister.

Minato: Well, see ya. I need to check on Akira.

Takao: Until we meet again.

I nodded my head and we both went our own ways.

As I was walking away, I once again felt like I was being watched. I turned around and saw no one. I decided to hurry up before anything appears out of no where.

???: Should we approach him, ???

???: We should, he must know who we are and that he should be with us forever~

As I was walking I heard a fox yelping at me from behind.

???: Hey commander...

Minato: Am I high to hear a fox talking?

I turned around just to see two girls looking at me, they seem to be girls from the Sakura Empire with their appearance. The fox I heard yelping was with them.

???: Wow... he looks so beautiful up close~

???: I know!

Minato: Uh, your names?

???: Fufufu~ Of course, commander.

Nagato: I am Nagato. The greatest battleship in the world, Nagato-Class Dreadnought. You may call me Lady Nagato.

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