𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓲𝓼 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮

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Gracie's pov
Mother finished reminiscing about her schooling with Mary, all her adventures.
All her stories ended with either tears in my eyes or hanging myself off the edge of my seat.

Paul just smiled and nodded, I could tell he was happy.

But from what I'm reading I can see this is the first time In a while he's spoken about his mother.
"Well that's enough about my sad old life, how are you two? From my knowledge Paul, your doing quite well in the music industry.! Your father was in a jazz band I believe."
Paul snapped out of his daze.
"Yes! I'm in a band. The Beatles to be precise. I'm quite proud of it as well."
He said crossing his lead over the other.
"And what about you Gracie?"
"Oh well, before I worked as a assistant. Well I guess I'm still an assistant. But now I'm the Beatles assistant. Brian's at least. I make the teas. Get food for George. Make fun of John. Talk to ringo about deep topics. And of course love this one here."
I said leaning against Paul's shoulder.
Paul smiled.
"Wow, that sounds lovely. It seems as though the both of you have your life set up and quite well planned."
I nodded.
Paul intertwining our hands.

"Ok I'm ready!"
Father bardged in from upstairs.
Shocking me.
"Follow me luv."
Mother said slowly sitting up and grabbing my hand.
I gave paul a look in which he returned with a shrug.
"Watch your step."
She said taking me upstairs
"Where's Keith? I'd figured he be here mother."
"Ok close your eyes."
I shit my eyes as she lead me into a room.
"Ok open!"
I opened and my heart melted.
I was in my room, it was exactly as I left it.
Max the golden retriever was jumping around chasing his tale.
And Keith was on my bed.
I smiled and ran to him jumping into his arms, but he didn't hug me back.
"Keith! Oh my! Look at you! Your so grown up!—"
I yelled taking in his different appearance, but something was off.
"Gra gra it's been like 5 months, since you ran away."
Keith said with some low sass.
There was an awkward silence until dad ran in.
"Your room hasn't been touched at all luv! I made sure of it."
He noticed the mood and stopped.
"I'm sorry Gracie. But I can't pretend like I wasn't affected at all when you just upped and left."
Keith said getting up and leaving, but before he could escape the room mother shut the door.
"Mum! I'm not discussing this bullshit!"
Keith yelled.
"Watch your—"
"Language! Blah blah! All you do it's worry about this girl who just left when her stupid boyfriend died!"
"That's enough!"
I yelled.
"Listen. I know I'm a coward. I always have Been. But when Zac did what he did, you can't even, not ever feel how I did. A part of me was killed with him that day. He was my rock. My love. My everything! and he took his own life! He was in a terrible state and I felt it was my duty to look after him. And he lead me on for months convincing he was ok! He invited me over when he did what he did. So I'm sorry. I so so oh so sorry! For leaving. But that's what my young stupid mind felt best to do. That's what I thought would get rid of all my feelings."
I yelled eventually falling on my knees.

Keith stood there tears welling in his eyes as I ranted.
"You were my only sister. You left me. You left us."
Keith said.
I sniffled.
"I'll live with that guilt for as long as the universe allows me to walk on. But I can't change the past kei. You know that."
I said crying now myself.
"I'm sorry mum, but you were putting so much stress onto me at the same time. I'm sorry dad, I didn't turn out to be your little princess. And Keith."
I said getting up and pulling him closer to me, his brown eyes not looking into mine.
I whispered gathering his full attention.
"I never, ever. In a million bajillion years meant to ever hurt you. I love you with every single ounce of love in the entire world. Nothing can ever change that. Not even the slightest thing. And it hurt me the most to do what I did to you."
I said.
Tears were now visibly running down his rosey cheeks as I spoke.
"You missed my birthday."
He whispered.
"I'll never miss a single one again."
I looked dead straight into his eyes.
I said.
He leaned his forehead to mine, and we stayed like that until he eventually wrapped his arms around me.

And soon enough I felt mother and father hugging the two of us.
"We love the both of you."
Mother said kissing both of us on the head.
"I'll never leave you again."
I heard the door swing open.
"Sorry I could smell a group hug."
Paul said also coming in on this embrace radiating nothing but pure needed love.
"Love is a strange but powerful thing, but love can resolve in the worst feeling. Heart break. So love what you can while you can, before it's taken away from you. And when that day comes, you'll never be ready. No one ever is."
- a quote I made myself while writing this.
Also I need to come up with some sort of ending. Something powerful but sad, but obviously happy. I don't know.... I'll come up with something.
Don't you worry.

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