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Gracie's pov
I was sitting on the window sill,writing in my journal. I've been keeping it updated with my life and what not.

I had to add a couple more pages to it, I've owned it since I was 20.
Now I'm almost 36.

"Ok now a d chord, just move that finger... yep right there. Now strum my boy!"
Paul instructed Sam.

I watched in awe, my men.
It's crazy watching your kids age. I swear it was just yesterday when I was pregnant.

I smiled flipping back to the pages in my diary to when I was pregnant.
" dear diary,
Fuck! I hate this shit! Just please I hope it'll be worth it. I mean I know it'll be worth it. I get to see my little baby boy!"
I smiled looking up to Sammy sitting opposite from Paul.
I looked back down.
" anyway, I haven't seen much of John. It bothers me! I love that guy. I hope he's ok. Yoko seems to be treating him right. From what I've heard there doing well."
John, I haven't seen him in a long time.
After I gave birth, I'd see him occasionally in the studio. But he'd flat out ignore me.
I tried talking to him, but he'd never seem to act willingly.
Paul and I never spoke about the fact John was kissing me when he walked it, right before my water broke.

John and I never spoke of it either. George is doing well, ringos doing well to.

"Mum!! ready watch!"

Samuel yells, i looked over ns he pulled a cahir out infront of me. Pulling his guitar out

"theres nothing you can do that cant be done , nothing you can sing that cant be sung." he sang, i smiled grasping my hans toghter.

Paul smiled approaching am from behing placing his hand on his shoulder.

"d cord."

Paul would occasionally whisper, Sam would smile changing the cord.

"how was i?"

He asked with wide eyes.

I paced my journal down.

"now that, that was something else. You remind me of john when he first sang me 'all you need is love.'"

Paul smiled. Samuel couldn't wipe the smile off his face.

The Beatles are on the rocks, abbey road was realised now they're debating whether or not for the band to come to its end.

Paul's been coming home stressed, every night and he won't talk to me.

I try to pry it out of him, but I know I should give him some space.

John seems to be leaning to yoko more then paul, and Paul hates it.

yoko is more of a priority now to John, and I hate it.

Whenever I try to talk to John, he also shuts me out.

No one ends up talking to me.
But today paul was going to the studio, and I'm coming.

I stopped working last year, decided I wanted to try something new.

I wanted to talk to John, tell him how I feel, how I feel about Him shutting me out.
"Well I better get going, before George yells at yoko for touching his dam stupid biscuits."
Paul said standing up.

"But dad! I want to learn more!"
Sam yelled tugging at Paul's shirt.
"Tonight, I'm all yours."
He smiled and hugged Paul.

I was dying, Paul has been a real big inspiration for Sam.
Paul walked to me.
"And latter tonight, I'm all yours."
He said. I rolled my eyes playfully smacking his bum.

I waited a while until I heard his car pull out.
"Hey Sam."
I said.

Sam looked up.
"Wanna come down to the shops?"
He smiled nodding.

I grabbed my keys and my sun glasses.
"Mummy can I buy another record?"
"You know what those are?"
"Yes! Daddy told me all about them. Can I? Can I?"
I smiled patting his coffee brown hair down.
"Of course! But first I have something to do."
He nodded and I strapped him in.
After a 18 minutes or so I pulled up at abbey road studios.

I flipped my sun glasses on, attempting at hiding my identity.
"Hey baby, I'll be 5 minutes. Stay here."
I said, i kissed his cheek.

I strutted over to the back of the studio.
Opening the door and coming in.
"Gracie? What are yo—"
I slapped my hand over ringos mouth.
I raised my index finger to my mouth.
He nodded and walked away.
"Wait. Ringo!"
I half yelled whispered.
He turned back around.
Flashing me his bright blue eyes.
"Tell john to meet me out here."
"Just please."
He nodded.

I waited at the back door until I saw John.
He looked at me, giving me that stupid god awful gut renching look.
The look that makes you wanna go hide in a hole.
"What do you want."
He spat.

I stayed silent tapping my foot on the ground.
I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

He squirmed and tried to push me off, but I stayed there.

"I miss you."
I whispered.
He whispered back.
"Because John, your my best friend. I fuckint love you! You make me smile, you make me laugh! Gosh John I don't think I'd be this confident if it weren't for you. Your just— your just. I can't even explain! And when you shut me out, when you ignore and pretend I don't exist. That hurts! I miss the John that would make fun of me for tucking my hair behind my ears. Or the John that would sing to me! Just- fuck! I don't know why your acting like this."
I said, completely out of breathe.

He smiled.
"John! We need you!"
I heard George holler from the studio.

He simply smiled and turned around walking back into the studio.

I didn't realise I was crying. I sniffled and rubbed my eyes.
I ran out back to the car.
"Mum! What happened?"
He said.
"Nothing. Let's go get you that record!"
He smiled jumping up and down in his seat.

I arrived back home hand in hand with Sam, he was sleepy. I could tell.

So I tucked him in for a nap and walked to the kitchen pouring a glass of wine, I got my journal.
"Dear diary,
Kill me now already."
I snaked it shut and got a bit to friendly with the wine.
I quietly cried for a bit, just soaking in all what was happening.

I stopped when I heard a familiar voice ring throughout the house
"Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise..."
I smiled resting my head on the cold marble bench.

Slowly mouthing the words along with paul, Sam must of put a record on.

I shut my eyes.
Paul always seemed to calm me down, his voice was my favourite thing in the world.
And I think then I felt as though everything would be ok.

I'd be ok.

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