𝓜𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵 𝓶𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓮𝔂

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Gracie's pov
My eyes slowly fluttered open, although they wouldn't dare open all the way.
I was in a completely white blinding room, a irritating endless beep sending me to hell every second it beeped.

I turned to my right seeing a slouched figure in a chair next to my bed.
I choked out, I sounded terrible.
Paul awoke.
"Your awake!"
"Whoops, I'm not supposed to come onto you so loud. Sorry."
He lowered his voice.
I smiled and with all the energy left in e I moved my hand to caress his cheek.

Freshly shaven, strange. Although he still had his moustache.
"How long have I been here for?"
I asked.
"Only one night luv... you are- you fainted."
My eyes widened and my heart started bumping faster.
"What? Why did I- how did I- I couldn't of- what?"
I asked.
"Shh shh shh. It's ok, your ok. You were just completely overwhelmed."
He said.
A man walked in with a clipboard under his arm.
"Hello Mrs McCartney, I'm doctor brightmen and I'll be your doctor for today."
I slowly nodded.
"Congratulations on the baby Mrs McCartney, by the way."
My mouth fell open.
"Pregnant? Oh gosh Paul! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!"
I said.
Paul rushed to my side.
"Hey, don't you dare say sorry. I'm so happy for us. We're gonna start a family! We can buy some property on a farm. We'll have animals and lots of land for our kids. I'll leave the Beatles. I'll do anything. Just don't ever say sorry."
He said calming me right down.
"I love you, and I'll love our little creation."
"I love you to."
I whispered, my eye lids were threatening to fall.
"So as I was saying, fainting? Has it happened before?"
The doctor asked.
"Um- yes, when my long term boyfriend took his life- I fainted. But that was the first time."
"You never told me about that-"
Paul asked.
"Well, good news is your baby is completely fine and healthy. Your I believe 7 weeks along. I'm suprised you've just found out."
I smiled, happy our baby was healthy.
"What's the bad news?"
Paul asked, I could physically see the worry on his face.
He rested his hand on my stomach.
"Well you see, due to the amount of stress level. And from my observation, if you continue to have these attacks or fainting. It will affect your baby, or at birth it may result in death."
Paul asked.
"It's ok paul—"
"Bullshit it's ok!"
He exclaimed getting up.
"Calm down Paul, please."
I asked.
He looked at the doctor then back to me.

He came back down next to me.
"We can have an ultra sound now is you want."
The doctor suggested.
I smiled.
"That'd be lovely."
"I'll be back in a second."
The doctor left.
"Listen Gracie, you need to rest more often. I can't even think about a world without you."
Paul said, I could see tears welling up in his eyes.
"Paul, I'm not going anywhere any time soon i promise."
I said holding both of his hands, showering them with kisses until a smile appeared on his lips.
The doctor walked back in shortly.
"Ok if you'd please follow me."
He said.
I slowly got out of the hospital bed, my feet icy cold as soon as they touch the ground.
Paul held my hand and we followed him down the hallway into a small room.
"Ok just get up on the bed, make yourself comfortable."
He said turning to a machine and hitting some bottoms.
I lifted my gown a bit, I had small pants on under neath.
"This might be a little cold."
He said putting a cold jelly on my stomach.
"Ok if you look here, you can see your baby's head."
He said pointing to a screen.
Paul held my hand, rubbing it with his thumb occasionally.
"That's our baby—"
Paul said, choking out on sobs.
I smiled, tearing up myself at the sight.
"Do you want the gender of your baby?"
He asked.
I looked at Paul.
"Yes please."
We both decided it would be lovely to know, I mean this is all news to me.
"Your having a little baby boy!"
I smiled my hardest sniffling.
"A boy! Baby we're gonna have a little boy! Oh my!"
I said.
Paul nodded resting his head on my shoulder.
"We're having a boy."
He whispered.
I couldn't begin to say how incredibly happy I was, we were having a boy.
A boy!
Paul helped me out of his car as we walked back to our house.
He was acting as though I was 8 months pregnant or something, looking after my every step. Making sure the temperature was comfortable for me.

He's such a sweetheart is all I could say.
"So How'd Brian?"
I asked as John and Paul sang along to penny lane in the kitchen.
They immediately stopped.
"You haven't told her?"
John whispered.
The mood suddenly went from happy to sad, confusing me....
"I have but she must of forgotten when she—"
"I'm right here you know that right?"
They both stopped and faced me, John looked terrible.
I've never seen him this sad.
"Well, Uh— Brian passes away..."
My eyes widened.
"When?!— no— he couldn't of— what do you mean?"
I said, my heart beat quickening every word slipping out.
"Hey hey hey, calm down, listen Gracie. He passed two days ago, I told you when you when we found out you were pregnant, you must of forgotten when you fainted..."
John yelled.
"How did he die."
I asked, trying my absolute hardest not o break down.
Our doctor told us if I stressed out, or if I were to be overwhelmed it would affect our child.
So o took deep breaths in, I sounded like a cow, my heavy breathing getting louder and louder.

"It doesn't matter now luv, your ok we're ok. Tell me about the baby."
John said holding onto my shoulders, changing the subject.
"How? No. He can't be dead, Paul tell me your lying! You've got to be lying!"
I said, feeling the familiar feeling of blood rushing to my head.
I fell into johns arms.
And blacked out.
I awoke to a familiar voice, softly singing into my ear.
"Love is all you need."
I jumped up, but this time I wasn't in the hospital.
I was in johns bed?
"Why am I Here?"
I asked rubbing my temples, my head throbbing.
"I suggested you'd be here so paul wouldn't stress you even more out. He's going nuts luv, you gave him quite the scare"
John spoke softly; he was sitting on a chair next to me guitar in hand.
"What were you singing?"
I asked.
"Just some scrap I've been writing."
He said picking at the strings of his guitar.
"I loved it."
I whispered.
He simply smiled.
"Are you ok? Need anything?"
John asked.
"No, I'm fine thanks."
I replied sinking down into the pillows and sheets.
"Yknow when I first met you, I though you were so incredibly stupid."
John said.
Strumming away.
"Yeah well I had my opinions as well."
I said, slightly offended.
"But I thought you were the most beautiful bird. All flushed and annoyed. Fighting me back with good come backs."
I smiled.
"Your to nice."
I said not making contact with him.
"I just hope you know, I care for you. I couldn't imagine how Paul would feel of you were gone. I can't imagine, a world where I'd have to insult myself, instead of having you to."
I chuckled lightly.
"Your something else john."
I said.
"You think so? After the Beatles, I'll be a no one luv."
I gasped.
"John Winston Lennon! How dare you say that! When your done with the Beatles, you'll be the John Lennon the solo artist!"
He smiled.
"Just imagine, John Lennon performing tonight with one of his newest singles."
I said imagining it my self.
"Your to good to me."
He said half in laughs.
"Don't doubt your self John, you have an amazing voice."
He smiled holding my hand.
"Sing  for me again?"
I asked.
He smirked lifting his guitar back up.
"All you need it love, all you need it love love love, love is all you need."
He sang, sending me back into a peaceful slumber.
Wishing never to awake again.
Because it was so peaceful, so perfect.

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