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Aloe Vera🌱- alvaro
Dino boy🦖- Mattia
Olaf⛄️- Kairi
Monkey🐵- alejandro
Travis Scott🧔🏾-roshaun

Guys I just thought of a great idea😌
Guys wake upppp
Seriosuly guys!

Dino boy🦖: what do you want y/n?!

Olaf⛄️: yeah what's up?

Y/n: ok so i was thinking one of you could come and bring me FOOD🥳!!

Monkey🐵: bruh are you serious?

Dino boy🦖: y/n are you fucking dumb?!
It's 3 in the morning go get food yourself and fuck off the rest of us are trying to sleep!

Y/n: oh... I'm sorry guys

Olaf⛄️: y/n... he didn't mean it like that he's just cranky

Monkey🐵: Mattia seriosuly you know who sensitive y/n is!

Y/n: it's fine guys good night sorry for bothering you

Olaf⛄️: y/n...

Y/n has left the chat

Monkey🐵: seriosuly Mattia ser what you did🤦🏽

Dino boy🦖: omg shes just being dramatic as always I'll apologize later gn

𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚊 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜🦖Where stories live. Discover now