𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎🦖𝚙𝚝.𝟹

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Ok so someone said to do a part 3 to fallen out of love so that's what I'm doing. If you haven't seen part 1 and 2 go read it so this'll make sense.

I gave Mattia 2 days to get all his stuff out of my house and wherever he's planning on going. He's getting the last bit of his stuff right now but I decided I'd help him with it. Not because I feel bad but because I just want him out of my house already. While Mattia was getting something from our room to take to his car someone pulls into the driveway and for a second I couldn't tell who it was but when they stopped the car completely I realized it was Kairi. I don't know why he was here but I was kind of happy he was. Kai got out of the car and when he saw me standing at the front door he smiled and rushed over to hug me.

"Hey y/n, you good? I missed you".

"I missed you too Kai, and yeah everything okay right now I guess . Mattias getting the rest of his stuff out of the room". I sighed not really realizing I did until Kai pulled me in for another hug which was easy for him cause i'm a bit shorter than him.

"Look y/n I know your upset right now but listen i'm always here for you, I love you".

"Thanks Kai I love you too". I smiled and as i removed myself from Kai's arms Mattia came out of the room with the rest of his boxes. He gave me a kinda of disappointed look but also a dirty look at the same time. I just brushed it off and grabbed Kai's hand and brought him to the kitchen cause I needed to get away from Mattias rude stares.

"Want anything to eat"?

"I'm good me and Robert got some door dash before I came".

"Oh alright. How are things with you and Celia or whatever her name is".

"Oh that's going pretty good right now we hung out last night and it went pretty well".

"Thats great and i'm really happy you found someone good for you".

"Thanks y/n, it means a lot to me that you approve".

I smile at him then we both walk over to the front door and look out to see mattia putting the boxes in his car when Kai whispers over to me.

"Y/n i'm not trying to force anything on you but I think you should give him another chance". He looked over waiting for me to respond.

"Why should I kai? He hurt me and dosen't even care, it's time I move on from him if he doesn't care about me".

"He does though. We talked last night he was crying so bad I never seen him like that. He was talking about how much he regretted saying everything he said and he regrets what he did and he was crying so hard I could barely understand him".

"But, what if he only said cause he wants you to tell me that even if he dosen't mean it".

"Well I know he's being genuine because he made me promise him I wouldn't tell you about it. I know i'm telling you right now but I just want you both to be happy".

"Yeah maybe your right Kai, maybe I should give him a chance just to see how it goes because I do miss him a lot and I do still love him a lot too".

"I don't wanna force you just consider it ok"?

"Yeah Kai I definitely will".

Me and Kai both smile at each other and he walked out the door and to his car and left as Mattia walked up to the front door.

"Uh hey I just wanna let you know I got all my stuff out your room and uh I guess I'll go see ya".

I couldn't let him walk away like that.

"Wait! Mattia uh can we talk"?

"Uh sure thing".

We both walked over to the couch and sat next to each other.

"So Kai told me about what you said when you talked to him yesterday and I just wanna say I love you I still do I always have and always will".

He looked kinda shocked from what I said.

"Wait Kai told you"?

"Yeah he did".

"That bitch I told him not to tell you ugh".

"But wait did you really mean it when you just said you still love me"?

"Yeah Mattia I do still love you and I'm willing to forgive you if you promise to never do anything like that again."

"Really?! Oh my lord y/n I love you I'm so glad you forgive me and of course I won't do something like that ever again I can't lose you".

"Good. Next time you lose feelings just sit me down and talk about it. Ok"?

"Yes of course I love you".

He pulled me into a tight hug.

"I love you too Mattia".

We both pulled away from the hug.

"Alright now help me bring all my stuff back in will ya".

We both laugh and head to his car.

A/n: Okay guys so I hope you liked this:) I'm sorry for not writing regularly I've just been kinda lazy😳.
But I just wanna say I love you guys and thank you for reading my story and getting me to almost 20k reads❤️.

𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚊 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜🦖Where stories live. Discover now