𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚙𝚝:𝟸🦖

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Mattias p.o.v:

Y/n always does this when I play the game she always wants attention when I'm trying to just be with my friends and its so annoying. I put my headset back on and grabbed my controller from off of the table and started to play again.

"Hello? Is anyone still here"? its silent for a second then I hear someone shuffling around.

"What the fuck Mattia, why would you yell at y/n like that"? Alejandro asked angrily.

"Dude she was being so annoying she always try to cuddle with me when i'm trying to play with you guys and i'm getting tired of it.". I rolled my eyes.

"Well I mean you're always on the game with us and if I were her i'd want some attention too". Kairi said loudly.

"But whatever man its your life you do what you want". Kairi added.

Right when he said that Alejandro had left the party but we didn't think anything of it. I did feel bad though I realized that I should show y/n more attention and I also shouldn't have yelled at her since I know how sensitive she is about stuff. I decided I was gonna go apologize to her even though I didn't know where she even was but i'll find her somehow.

"Hey Kai i'm gonna go find y/n and go apologize i'll talk to you later".


I got up slipped my vans on grabbed my keys and my phone and headed out the door. (Yes ik Mattia dosent drive in real life but its just for the story)

I sat in my car thinking how I was gonna find y/n when I realized me and her both had the life 360 app that we got a few weeks ago just for fun, hopefully her phone isn't dead cause if it is I can't find her. Luckily it wasn't dead and I could see her location.

She was at Alejandros house?

What the fuck why is she there? I mean I know she was mad at me but she's never hung with Alejandro by herself before. I pulled out of the driveway and headed over to Ale's, I really hope she's not doing anything she would regret. After about 10 minutes I pulled up to the front of his house and noticed his parents weren't home, I quickly got out the car and rushed up to his front door but before I was about to knock I remembered I had a key to his house which was attached to my lanyard. I unlocked his door as slow as possible so i didn't make very much noise and made sure to close it as quiet as I could. Im guessing they were in his room cause I didn't see them down stairs so I slowly walked up the stairs even though it was hard not to make noise cause of the wooden steps he had. When I reached Alejandros room I put my ear up to the door to see if I could hear anything which I could.

"Ale I feel like he's getting tired of me like he dosent want me anymore".

"Maybe he's just stressed or something I'm sure he still wants you y/n".

"I don't know Ale he just seems like he's sick of me like what i he's cheating"?

Did she really think I would cheat on her, I loved her a lot.

"Look y/n if you feel that way maybe you know it's time to let go".

"But Ale you don't get it I love him I can't just let go of him even if he dosent love me anymore I can forget about him". I could hear her voice get shaky and then all that was heard was her sobbing and Alejandro reacting to her that its gonna be ok. But I couldn't listen to her cry in there anymore knowing it was my fault and I needed to show her that I still loved her and that I was sorry. I burst through the door to see a crying y/n and Alejandro hugging her and rubbing her back trying to calm her down.

"Y/n.." I tried to say before getting cut off by Alejandro.

"Listen Mattia y/n is really hurting right now because of you and I think you need to be honest with her and answer whatever questions she has for you". I nodded and walked over to her as Alejandro left the room to give us time with each other.

She looked up at me her eyes were red and tears were still falling down her cheeks but I couldn't help myself I pulled her into a tight hug.

"Y/n I heard everything you said an I want you to know I still love you and i'm sorry for how i acted earlier I shouldn't have said what I said I don't know why I said it I wasn't thinking but I promise you I love you and i can't lose you please don't leave me".

I felt her head move up and I looked at her she was looking in my eyes so I did the same. Just then she pulled me in for a kiss ti wasn't long until she pulled away.

"Mattia I love you and I understand you were upset I forgive you and I won't ever leave you". She smiled and so did I and after a few seconds of staring at each other we both got up and walked over to Alejandros room door and called for him. he ran up the stairs.

"So are you guys okay now"?

"Yea were fine me and him are happy with each other and I love him".

"Aw so cute". He said sarcastically.

"Now get out my house". We all laughed and me and y/n drove home in my car leaving hers at Alejandros.

When we got home I picked her up and forced her to watch movies with me and cuddle for the rest of the night.

(Hey guys so I hope you all liked this chapter cause I did and thanks for all the recent ideas for new chapters. Bye now :)

𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚊 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜🦖Where stories live. Discover now