𝙻𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖🦖

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Me and mattia were in his bathroom chilling and just looking at tiktoks and making some when Mattia decided to go live.

"Hey baby i'm gonna go live so don't do anything stupid". He laughs.

I laugh and roll my eyes at him.

He presses the go live button and pithing seconds hundreds of people have already joined.

"Hey guys". Mattia said as he looked at who was on the live.

Comments start to flood in with a bunch of questions.

User73: Is that y/n in the back😳?

User98: I love them together🥺.

Hater6: Shes ugly seriously.

User20: Isn't y/n 16?

Mattia was reading all the comments and answering all the questions being asked but one caught my eye when mattia read it out loud.

"Am I in love with y/n"? He looked over at me and smiled. But before I could say anything he started talking.

"Of course I love her, she's everything to me and I'm gonna marry her". He sounded so proud of what he just said.

I looked over at him and jumped on him showering him in kisses. He laughed as he tried to pull me off of him to look at what was going on in the live again.

After a few seconds he finally pulled me off of him and grabbed his phone.

"Guys I'm gonna end the live here so I'll see you guys later". He ended to live and turned to me.

"I'll give you a 10 second head start to run". He picked up a pillow and held it up signaling me that my 10 seconds had started.

The rest of the night involved mattia chasing me around with a pillow and then us cuddling and watching tiktoks.

A/n: hey guys so I'm sorry if I've been slow on updating school is just a lot and I'm almost out so I've just been getting last minute stuff done.

𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚊 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜🦖Where stories live. Discover now