𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚋𝚎 𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚘🦖

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Me and Mattia were setting up everything for our new couples youtube video which was a couples Q & A. I set the camera on a stack of books sitting on Mattia desk adjusting it to get an angle good enough so that they could see Mattia since he's way taller then I am. Mattia sat down next to me while I went on my spam to see what all the questions my fans asked.

"You ready"? Mattia asked fixing up his hair.

"Yeah I got the questions you can turn on the camera now".


Mattia pressed the red button to turn on the camera and backed up in his chair.

"Hey guys its me y/n and I'm here with a great fan Mattia polibio". I said sarcasticaly looking at Mattia waiting for him notice what I just said.

"Ye- wait what"?

I laughed and rubbed his back knowing he was gonna act like a little baby.

"I'm just kidding baby". He rolls his eyes playfully returning his attention back to the camera.

"Anyways okay guys so me and y/n asked all of you what our first couples youtube video should be and you guys said we should do a couples Q & A so that's what we're gonna be doing today". Mattia looked at me waiting for me to say something.

"Yea and thank you everyone who gave us questions on my spam".

"Y/n's gonna look at the questions with the most likes and we're gonna read them".

"Ok lets start". Mattia looked over at my phone as I showed him the first question for him to read out loud.

"Ok the first question asks when did we first meet".

"Ohh I wanna answer. Ok ok so I remember it was the first day of school and me and Kairi had become friends in first period and he asked me to come over to his house to hang with some of his friends and of course I said yes. And Mattia was there and we became really close then boo were dating". I laughed and so did Mattia.

"Oh yeah we all thought you were gonna end up taking Kai away from us".

"Nope I took you though". We both laughed and then Mattia looked at the next question to read.

"Next question asks what our parents think of us being together".

Me and Mattia both looked at each other and smiled.

"Ok so basically y/n's parents weren't that happy that we were dating at first because they had seen my tiktoks but of course it was me so when they met me they obviously changed their mind".

I laughed at Mattias lie.

"Thats so not what happened. I remember you begging them on your knees and everything balling your eyes out and everything. They didn't even accept that until your parents came over to my house and became friends with my parents".

"Yeah yeah whatever same thing". he glared at me making me chuckle.

I grabbed the Dunkin cup from behind me and started drinking my iced coffee as Mattia looked over at me with a weirded out face.

"What the fuck y/n did you just pull that out of your ass"? 

As soon as he said that I burst into laughter almost spitting out my coffee. Mattia laughed and grabbed the phone looking at the next question.

"Ok were gonna ignore y/n being weird and get on with the next question which asks what do I think of people shipping y/n with the other boys". 

"Well I don't really care if people ship them because I know that in the end of the day, I have y/n and the boys don't so I'm not really worried about a few silly ships". He grabbed my hand and I smiled at him.

"Alright guys this is going to be the last question cause we're gonna meet up with the boys soon".

"So for the last question we have it asks how long do you think you guys will lasts"?

Me and Matt both look at each other for a few seconds then he looks back at the camera.

"We're gonna last a long time, y/n's not like any of my other ex's she's special she treats me right and is always there for me. She makes sure i'm happy and always makes sure my family happy too. She's perfect and everything I need love her."

Before I could say anything Mattia interrupted.

"So guys that's the end of this video I hope you liked it and i'll be posting a poll soon so you guys can vote on what our next video should be about. Thanks for watching and make sure to comment i'll be liking all of em."

Mattia shut off the camera and got up putting his jacket on.

"Mattia what the heck".


"You really said all that about me on camera".

"Yeah I mean its the truth I do love you and you are perfect it wasn't a joke".

 I looked at him for a few seconds while he continued to put on his jacket then quickly ran up to him hugging his chest since he was a bit taller than me. He hugged me back tightly then letting go.

"Alright we gotta go the boys are waiting".

I nodded and went to grab one of his hoodies and my phone from the bed. We walked out of him room and out of the house with my clinging to his arm.

"I love you Mattia".

"I love you too y/n".

Okay hey guys so I know this chapter was kinda bad I just wanted to give you guys something and plus I just felt like writing today. But I wanna give a special thanks to all the people who comment and vote on my story it means a lot to me:)


𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚊 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜🦖Where stories live. Discover now