Please leave me alone

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Okay, it's getting pretty of out hand now and so I need to address it.

Please stop sending me threats in my messages. I get some people don't like Mattia anymore after what happened but do not send me threats because I write about him. I am just a normal girl writing about what she wants and I don't think anyone should get threats for that. I am truly sorry you don't like what I post but you have to remember it is my page and I will do as I please. If you really don't like it please consider just leaving my page and no coming back so you won't have to see my work anymore. I will not stop writing because you don't like it. I may not have fans but I have some friends who appreciate what I write and ill keep doing it for them. So please just leave me alone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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