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Me and Mattia were sitting on the couch in his room watching Netflix when we heard a knock on the door.

"I'll go get it" Mattia says as he gets up.

I nod and continue watching the show.

After about 2 minutes Mattia walks down laughing and I assume its one of the boys since they always come over unexpectedly.

When Mattia walked through the door I saw a dark blonde hair girl following behind him. She was flawless, her eyes a dark blue, her skin was clear, and she was the perfect body shape. She was everything I wasn't.

"So Amila this is my girlfriend y/n". He smiled and pointed in my direction.

Her eyes focusing on me she rolled her eyes slightly so Mattia wouldn't notice. I was a little mad but I decided it wasn't worth it so I said hi to her and she replied with an annoyed tone but I chose to ignore it.

Amila sat down on the farther side of the couch away from and I made a little more room for Mattia because I assumed he was going to sit next to me but he walked over and sat next to Amila. I was starting to get a little mad because they were sitting really close.

mattia suggested that we all watch the show and me and her both agreed. Mattia went upstairs to get some snacks and me and her didn't say a word to each other until Mattia finally came back to make it less awkward.

It was halfway through an episode when I looked over to see her head resting on his shoulder. It made me mad but Mattia didn't even care he was just sitting there like ti was normal which I couldn't believe he didn't even care.

A couple minutes pass by and I look over again to see her whispering something in his ear and them both laughing. Thats when I had enough so while they were whispering and laughing I grabbed my phone and my bag and headed up the stairs and slowly closed the door so they wouldn't hear me leaving . When i was about to turn on my car I looked over and Mattia was standing there looking at me with confusion.

"Why are you leaving babe"? He asked with an innocent tone.

I was angry.

"I don't know maybe the fact that your flirting with this random girl right in front of my face".

He looks at me for a second and then slightly laughs.

"babe, why would I be flirting with my cousin"?

I look at him confusion.

"Cousin"? I ask slightly embarrassed.

"Yeah she's my cousin".

I grew red from embarrassment.

"Wait but why were you guys whispering to each other "?

"Well we were whispering because she only speaks Italian and since you don't know it she didn't want to speak out loud in italian because she didn't want you to feel uncomfortable with not knowing it".

"But what about you guys getting super close and her putting her head on your shoulder".

"Oh, she's just a close touch person she's like to everyone she's comfortable around".

"Oh". I look down embarrassed.

mattia lifts my head up and smiles at me.

"Don't be embarrassed, its cute when you're jealous".

We both laugh and walk back in and I apologize to her for the stuff that happened even though she dosent understand it so Mattia translates it for me.

She nods and we go back to watching the show.

𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚊 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜🦖Where stories live. Discover now