Chapter 4: Skye's Quest

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Lynx's POV

Lynx and Skye ran through the hills. Skye kept doing cartwheels and singing. If Brutus were here he would not be happy. Ollie kept squealing. Lynx saw how much fun they were having and tried to cartwheel as well. But she fell. Skye giggled and helped her up.
"C'mon, we can take the Ollie-mobile from here!" Skye giggled, taking Ollie off his head and putting him on the floor.
Ollie very quickly transformed into a very long motorbike. Lynx gasped.
"We can ride him?" she stared.
"Course we can! Take the back seat so I can guide Ollie." Skye instructed.
Lynx squealed with excitement and hopped on Ollie. Ollie zoomed forward. Lynx could see Lazy Lake as they went on by it. Rapid's Rest was next. The river pushed them sideways a little and Lynx and Skye held each other. Then the river was gone as they went over the next hill.
"Box Factory should be coming up any time now... OK?" Skye assured. Lynx nodded.
Ollie began to slow down. He chirped and Skye nodded.
"He wants us to get off. Thanks, Ollie!" Skye smiled.
Ollie turned back into a hat. Lynx and Skye both landed on the floor with audible thuds. They both laughed. Skye grabbed a camera off her necklace. She snapped a photo of the Box Factory.
A very quiet voice came out of her camera when she tapped a button, "I uploaded your photo to your phone."
"Thanks Twinkle." Skye replied, "That's my personal Siri." she added.
"Like Ericka?" Lynx asked.
"Yup. She knows everything about me."
Skye turned on her camera and went to her photos. She clicked on a photo of the building and looked at it.
"A-ha! There's henchmen there, certainly." Skye announced, circling two black figures in red edit pen, "Shadow ones too. The doors don't appear to be locked." she circled the bottom of the doors, "So we should be OK. Looks like they're armed." she circled the rest of the silhouettes of the Shadow henchmen.
"Will we be OK?" Lynx asked.
"Of course we'll be fine." Skye comforted her, pulling out a long blue sword, "Oh, and Midas told me to give this to you."
Skye handed her a pale blue hexagon that glowed slightly. It had a single button in the middle.
"What is it?" Lynx asked.
"Why don't you see for yourself?" Skye replied.
Lynx pressed the button on the machine and a weird, solid blue material travelled up her body. Once it had completely covered her, she got out her phone and looked at herself. She was in her cat suit.
"How did you get my designs?" Lynx asked.
"'A friend of mine is also an acquaintance of yours,' that's all Midas said. It looks really cool on you!" Skye smiled.
"Thanks! But... the original designs were black. What happened to that colour?"
"I don't know, I guess it was because black is the signature colour of our enemies, so blue would be more fitting, maybe in a fight."
"Yup. And also apparently the suit now not only protects you a bit but it increases your speed."
"That's cool!"
"Yeah! Let's practice it on these goons first though."
Skye ran at one of the Shadow henchmen that was alone and hit its head with the handle. He fell to the ground, knocked out.
"Oops!" she giggled.
"Why didn't you just kill him?" Lynx asked.
"Because killing is not my peoples' way."
"You know how earlier I said I hatched from the same egg as Ollie? Yeah, most of the residents of Floofle Tree, the place where I come from, weren't so happy with a human living amongst them, or anywhere in Floofle Tree, actually. Only Great Grand-pappy, the elder, accepted me, I'm the head Knight there. But some residents still weren't happy, so to protect me my parents sent me here. Brutus is always there to protect me just in case any of them come to attack me. But the one thing about my old home I remember more than anything is Great Grand-pappy saying 'You may fight the enemies of our beautiful kingdom, but you may not kill. Killing is not the way of our people.'"
"He must mean a lot to you."
"Yeah, he's a big role model. Look out behind you, by the way."
Lynx turned around to see two more henchmen holding pistols. Lynx kicked them both in the face. They were also knocked out.
"This suit is cool!" Lynx cooed.
More henchmen came from the left and right. There were a lot more than 8. But Lynx and Skye were able to fight then off.
"We should go inside. Check there's no-one left." Lynx instructed. Skye nodded.
They tried a door. It was unlocked, like the photo had told them. Lynx and Skye looked around. No henchmen, only boxes.
"That's it. C'mon, we should head on back and report to Mr Money Fingers." Skye sighed. Lynx laughed. Then Skye laughed as well.
As they turned to leave, though, something shuffled. Lynx turned around and Skye did the same. Nothing. Skye shrugged and they went again.
"Stop right there." snarled a voice behind the two of them.
Lynx felt the cold surface of a pistol press against the back of her head. Even through the suit, Lynx could feel the evil pulsating from the gun.
"Come with me and maybe I won't kill you." the henchman sneered.
"Let's dance!!" Skye giggled.
"Skye! Not now!" Lynx shout-whispered.
Skye hopped around and did a cartwheel. Lynx and the henchman looked very confused. Skye did a back flip and kicked the henchman around the face.
"WOO HOO!" Skye squealed.
They both ran out before the henchmen woke up. Ollie transformed back into a motorbike and zoomed off to The Agency. Lynx and Skye high fived. She'd done it. She'd actually done it. Lynx had completed her first mission!
The Agency was visible in the distance and Ollie turned into a motorboat so they could travel across the moat.
"Aah, Skye! Lynx! You're back." Brutus greeted them, "Brutus is very happy for you."
"Yea!" Skye smiled.
"Oh, and Midas said he wants to have a chat with you two."
"Can you tell him to have a chat with us later? I want to show Lynx something."
Show her something? What does she need to show her now so desperately? Skye is Lynx's friend but this was still weird.
"Sure." Brutus nodded, "Have fun, now."
"Uh-huh!" Skye waved.
They entered the front door and took a corridor down to the right. The walk seemed to go on for a while but it ended very abruptly. They stopped in front of a vent door. Skye opened the door and started to climb inside.
"Come on! I have a secret I need to show you." Skye shouted, climbing into the vent fully.
Lynx froze. Surely she shouldn't be doing this. But Skye was her friend. She wouldn't put her in any danger. Lynx gulped and climbed into the vent behind Skye.

To be continued...

Another chapter, another part to the story! I also pre-wrote another chapter so that'll be coming out soon. Also, who's your favourite fortnite skin? Answer in the comments! Until next time, bye! :3

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