Chapter 1: Abducted

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I'm going to say this now. When I say 'POV' I mean that we're following that character's emotions.

Lynx's POV

"Welcome to the Four Corners Line, from the crew at Tilted Express! Thank you for choosing to ride with us!" the voice over the intercom said in a fakely sweet voice.
Going to school in Pleasant Park is a real pain for people like Kyubi and Lynx, who live in Paradise Palms and Happy Hamlet. Lynx stared out the window. It was raining. Great. She wasn't going to Happy Hamlet anyway. Her and Calamity were going to the middle island on the Fortnite island through the orb.
Hopefully it won't be raining on the other island... Lynx thought.
"I hate it when it rains at Paradise Palms. It's so humid." Kyubi sighed.
Lynx nodded and looked over at him. His face looked like it was sensing foreboding, like normal.
"I hate humidity. It messes with my head..." Lynx laughed.
Kyubi laughed as well, "Yeah..!"
He turned on his phone and fiddled with a few of his apps. Lynx sat still, bored and lonely, for a moment and then decided to text Calamity.

<Lynx> Hey 👋
<Calamity> hiiiiiiiiiii
<Lynx> 😄
<Calamity> I've checked in with my passport and I'm waiting near the orb

Lynx began to panic. She hated being late, although she didn't know why. Kyubi was always late for everything and Lynx didn't care about that.
"Uuh... Honey?" Lynx stammered.
"What is it? If you're worried that you're going to miss your stop, Loot Lake is next. That is your stop, right?" Kyubi laughed.
Lynx smiled. Kyubi liked being organised and kind. He had lots of good traits. Lynx picked up her phone.

<Lynx> Sorry if I take a while. Loot Lake is my next stop 😃😸 I promise

"Next stop, Loot Lake! Thank you for riding with us!" squeaked the intercom.
"See you soon, Lynx!" Kyubi giggled. He kissed her cheek.
"Bye! Love, you honey." Lynx smiled.
As Lynx ran off, she heard the intercom say "Next stop, Paradise Palms! Thank you for riding with us!"
The train sped up, and Kyubi drifted from view (see what I did there?) Lynx left the train station. Calamity was waving in the distance. Calamity was shouting something, but she couldn't hear what Calamity was saying. Lynx waved back. She ran to Calamity. Lynx could finally hear what she was saying.
"This is so unlike you! ;3"
Lynx gave her the fake scowl. Calamity laughed. Lynx let somebody look at her passport and joined Calamity next to the orb. They then both walked into the orb.
Lynx felt her body stretch and then shrink again and again until her and Calamity landed just outside of Lazy Lake.
"I'm going to feel that in the morning..." Lynx groaned.
"I probably am too!" Calamity groaned.
"Hey, is that Zenith over there?" Lynx asked, pointing right.
Calamity peered over to her right, wide eyed and concerned looking.
"Haha lol!" Lynx laughed.
"OH MY GOOOOOOD!!" Calamity gasped.
Lynx laughed. As Calamity would say, 'she's a real hoot.' Then, she realised that they were being distracted from their main objective: checking out that weird stone building in the middle if the island!
"I thought we were going to check out that weird stone building." Lynx asked.
"Oh yeah. I totally forgot about that!" Calamity gasped.
"Come on, we can take the train to Salty Springs and then swim. Unless there's a boat. We can take that instead."
Lynx and Calamity waited for their train to come by. When it arrived, they hopped on quickly.
The train ride seemed quick. They arrived at Salty Springs in just ten minutes, where they got out and started to head towards the Eye Land. The stone building looked so ominous and Lynx was beginning to question whether to go in or not.
"Whoa, looks scary! All the more fun though, right Lynx?" Calamity laughed.
Lynx looked at the building and then came to her conclusion, "Yeah, I guess you're right."
There was no boat so they had to swim. The water felt unnaturally warm. They reached the shore and hid behind a wall. Lynx peaked out from behind it. There were no other people or robots in sight.
"The coast is clear." Lynx whispered to Calamity, "Let's go."
Lynx jumped out from behind the wall. Calamity followed suit. They both wandered forward until a voice suddenly shouted over the intercom.
"Warning! There has been a security breach! Warning!" it shouted.
"Dang it!" Calamity growled.
Lynx looked around, panicking. Her eyes widened. There were two men near the window. One had hands made of solid gold and the other was a weird muscle cat which could break her spine in seconds. They had to get out of there.
Lynx gestured towards the window and Calamity gasped. They both turned to run but it was too late. There were henchmen everywhere around them, holding S.K.A.R.s. Lynx found they made a striking resemblance to stormtroopers. The two men arrived in a matter of minutes.
"You're being a bit harsh aren't you?" the man with the golden hands laughed.
The henchman instantly backed down and half of them went back to their duties.
"Go away!" Calamity snarled.
"No, no. I don't want you." the man sighed.
Lynx's heart skipped a beat. The man pointed his finger at her.
"I want you."
"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Calamity screamed.
"Fine. We'll do this the hard way."
Suddenly, the cat man bought out a cloth. He pressed it against her face. It smelt of lavender. Suddenly, everything went black. She heard Calamity scream and then Lynx went unconscious.

Calamity's POV

Calamity watched Lynx fall to the floor. Thankfully, she was still breathing. Calamity was so afraid and didn't know what to do. Tears welled up in her eyes.
"Why did you do that?" Calamity cried.
The man with the golden hands picked Lynx up.
"Reasons we can't tell you." he turned around, "Yet."
"Don't take her. I beg you." Calamity whimpered, shaking rapidly with anger and fear.
"I'm sorry. But we must."
"Run now. Before Food Man changes his mind." the cat man miawed.
Calamity ran as fast as she could. The last she saw of her friend was the man with the golden hands taking her into the building. Calamity collapsed onto the floor and cried. Lynx was gone.
Elsewhere, Kyubi remained completely oblivious that his girlfriend had been abducted.


Thank you for reading the first part of my story! I hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote, too. If you want more, please tell me in the comments! Thanks again! :)

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