Chapter 16 Part 1: Storm The Agency! Part 1

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Toxin's POV

  One by one, the Shadow agents that they had come with walked into the small room Toxin was going to temporarily call her office. She noticed that half of her agents had disappeared.
"Where are Riptide and Drift?" Toxin snarled.
"Drift joined their ranks and we assume Riptide has become their captive." Hazard replied.
"No! Godamnit!"
"If it helps, I got my nails painted." Chic squealed.
"It doesn't. No one cares at the best of times."
"Hey! That's mean!"
"Mean is what I do. If you don't like it, then leave before I pound your face in."
  Chic gulped. Hazard looked afraid too. But, of course, Toxin couldn't care less. She was toxic after all.
"We storm The Agency tonight!" she shouted.
"Yes, ma'am." Hazard nodded.
Hazard walked outside and shouted at the henchmen nearby.
"Alright, you lot! Prepare to storm The Agency. "

Lynx's POV

  Lynx, Meowscles and Midas watched the base shuffling as they prepared to storm The Agency. Meowscles looked at Midas, worried.
"Should I call Brutus?" he asked.
"Yeah, you told me I needed to see this... and you're right!" Lynx told Midas.
"Don't just call him, bring Brutus straight to me." Midas commanded.
"Yes sir." Meowscles saluted. He added to Kit, "Come on, let's go."
"Do I need my mechanical suit?" Kit asked.
"Hey, Meowscles! Will you be back?" Lynx asked.
"Probably. Make me a latte!"
"Okay, see you!"

Meowscles' POV

  Meowscles and Kit walked out of the door and closed it behind themselves. Meowscles picked up Kit so he wouldn't be tired and they began to walk to Brutus' office.
"Why did you volunteer? Surely you'd want Lynx to do it for you." Kit asked.
"I'm meeting someone." Meowscles told him.
"Drift, I want to ask him some questions. He's awfully suspicious, so I'm going to ask him about who he is."
"Surely that's disrespectful towards your friend?'
"He isn't my friend. He's my colleague."
"You say the other agents are your friends. Is this because what you said about Lynx not wanting to be your girlfriend?"
"It is, isn't it?"
  Meowscles growled and flicked his ears back. He then sighed, stopped walking and grabbed Kit so he could see his face.
"I don't know what to do. Drift is shifty. He bought a Shadow agent into Ghost, and he has secret lightening powers! I heard him talking to Lynx about it! If he's depriving himself of his abilities, then he obviously can not be trusted in any way, shape or form!" Meowscles whisper-shouted.
"I didn't know you felt that way." Kit mewed.
"Well I do. I know you're only a kid so you may not understand everything I said, but thanks for listening anyway."
"No problem."
"Get Brutus and tell Midas that someone asked me to do something. Bye for now, Kit."
"Bye bye, Meowscles!"
  And Kit went on his way. Meowscles heard Kyubi around the corner say hello to Kit before he walked on. Meowscles bought himself around the corner as well.
"Hello, hello!" Kyubi smiled.
"It's nice to properly meet you." Meowscles growled.
"Your muscles must really take a lot of work."
"Thanks... anyway, I need to ask you a few questions."
"Hmm? Like what?"
"Who are you?! Why are you here?!"
"If you really want to know, I'm Kyubi Surge, my nickname is Drift. Me and my older brother Master Key were adopted after our parents were murdered. I was tricked into being part of Shadow. Lynx and TnTina then offered me the job, and I couldn't pass it up! I was their captive, merely a toy. So I came here, became friends with everyone and got you a new agent. Except, someone," Kyubi looked Meowscles in the eye, "Doesn't trust me."
"I have good reason to! That agent was a Shadow agent!"
"And why are you discriminating him because he made bad choices?"
"I am not!"
"Oh, really?!"
"Yes, really! You, I think, should stay away from Lynx!"
"What does Lynx have to do with this stupid argument?"
"Because I love her more than you do, AND I THINK YOU SHOULD LAY AWAY FROM ME AND HER!"
  Meowscles pushed Kyubi hard against the wall he was leant against. Kyubi kept out a cry of pain. Meowscles realised what he had done and reached out to help him.
Meowscles sighed, "I'm sorry I lashed out. Do you need some-"
"DON'T EVEN BOTHER!" Kyubi screamed, tears streaming down his eyes and clutching his wrist.
"Wait, I want to apologize!"
  Meowscles staggered back. Kyubi had just insulted him in a way he thought Kyubi would never dare and even try.
"Fine. I'll leave you alone." Meowscles sobbed.
  Meowscles wiped his eyes and turned to leave when the ground began to shake. Hard. Meowscles and Kyubi sprinted around the corner and looked out of the window. There was a small pit in the ground just outside The Agency. Meowscles' eyes widened. Shadow were firing bombs at The Agency.

Lynx's POV

  Lynx helped Midas up after he had fallen due to the small earthquake Shadow had caused by exploding the front area. Kit hopped into his robot suit to prepare for battle.
"Thanks." Midas thanked Lynx.
"It's OK." Lynx replied.
"Brutus, get Maya to bring the weapons, and I'll sound the alarm for anyone who didn't hear the explosion. The rest of you, get to the front and tell anyone you see to get over there as well!"
  Brutus ran faster than Lynx had ever seen him run and out of the door to get Maya and Midas searched his desk for the panic button. Lynx and Kit ran out of the room and ran to the front as fast as they could possibly go. Lynx accidentally rammed herself into Meowscles, who was turning the corner.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, are you OK?" Lynx apologized.
"I-I'm fine." Meowscles breathed.
"Kit told me you got caught up with Kyubi. Where is he?!"
"He had to go see Remedy, he twisted his wrist."
"Was he injured by the explosion?!"
  Meowscles looked deep into Lynx's worried eyes and decided she didn't need another problem to deal with.
"Yes." Meowscles lied.
"Grrrr! Come on, Kit! Let's kick some Shadow butt!" Lynx snarled.
"Yeah!" Kit cheered.
  The three ran off into the heat of the battle of Ghost vs Shadow wondering who would eventually come out on top.

Midas' POV

  Midas and Brutus stared at Lynx, who had grabbed a sniper from a henchman who had tripped over and fired a Shadow henchman straight in the head.
"So, you found the alarm?" Brutus asked.
"Yes, indeed I did." Midas smiled.
"Do you think this is going to get serious?"
"It might..."
"Do you think Brutus should call him?"
"No, I don't think he will be available."
"Brutus will call him just in case."
"I guess we do need the best agents we have."
  Brutus went outside and pulled his phone out, ready to call him. Midas prayed that he would pick up.

To be continued in part 2...

Thank you for reading part 1 of this finally average-sized chapter! If you enjoyed, don't forget to vote and follow me if you want to check out my other stuff! Bye bye!!!! :)

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