Chapter 8 Part 2: The Ghost of a Shadow

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Seconds after Chapter 6...

Henchman's POV

Kyubi walked in looking happy. The henchman guessed he got the job. He smiled at him as he walked past. Not that he could see the smile. But it still made himself feel good.
He got up to go into the office when Toxin came by and pushed him into his chair again.
"It's urgent." she snarled.
"Sure it is." he groaned.
The henchman sat there and laughed to himself. He had joined Shadow as a henchman but later evolved into a spy. But... He had also joined Ghost as a henchman and evolved into a spy. He had no allegiance. He had betrayed both factions. He was even friends with Deadpool. And why? No reason.
Toxin walked out and smirked at him maliciously.
"Your turn." she laughed.
The henchman got up and walked into the office. Chaos Agent waited there for him.
"So you have arrived?" Chaos Agent smiled.
"Yes." the henchman replied.
"Did you find out anything?"
"The boy you just spoke to, Kyubi, or Drift you can call him, has fallen in love with an agent of Ghost. I tricked him into believing she was a captive and I believe he got the job?"
"Yes, yes he did. I had to after you sent me that message."
"OK. I might go back to The Agency to see if anything else arises."
"Wait! Take this." It was a costume.
"Should I change?"
"Come back after you've checked The Agency."
The henchman stood up, saluted Chaos Agent and walked out. He found a phone box and stepped in it. He opened the bag to find two costumes and a note. One costume was for Shadow and one was for Ghost. The note read:
This is Chaos Agent. I bought you a new suit to go with your new title. Don't forget to change before going to The Agency. You are now known as 'Lone Shadow'. See you later.
A new title. Not bad. Now it was time to get to The Agency, though. He just quickly changed and then left.
Lone Shadow arrived at The Agency in about half an hour. There was a henchman waiting for him at the entrance.
"Midas wants to see you." he instructed.
"Thanks. And also, tell everyone I am to be known as 'Lone Ghost' from now on." Lone Ghost asked.
Lone Ghost walked over to Midas' office. He could hear Brutus in there. Lone Shadow put his ear to the door.
"We lost another surveillance henchman!" Brutus shouted.
"I know, but we have to make sacrifices if we're going to win this war." Midas sighed.
"That isn't the point! They knew! They have more surveillance cameras than ever before!"
"I know!"
It seemed to be a heated argument about surveillance systems belonging to Shadow. After a while, Brutus stormed out. He didn't say anything. Lone Ghost let himself in.
"Hello!" he greeted.
"Someone told me that you're Lone Ghost now?" Midas spat.
"Yup, that's me!"
"It suits you. Be an agent. You deserve it."
"Thanks! I'll go back on patrol now."
"OK. If you want to do a mission, just say. I'll try and find one."
"Sure. See you around!"

Lynx's POV

Lynx and Skye were scrapbooking in Skye's room. There was glitter, coloured tape and glitter glue bottles all over the floor. They were scrapbooking.
They heard a knock at the door. Lynx opened the door and Brutus stood there. He wasn't in a good mood.
"Move over, Lynx." he grumbled.
"Someone's grumpy!" Skye giggled.
"Come in." Lynx voiced.
"Brutus has figured out something that the boss refuses to believe." Brutus explained.
"Is it about Shadow?"
"It is. The surveillance henchman that was watching a Shadow base. He found out that your boyfriend has joined Shadow's Strike Team, A.L.T.E.R. They don't add members to their strike teams often. Brutus thinks they have tricked him into believing he is their agent when really he is their captive."
Brutus paused and put his hand over his mouth. When Brutus had mentioned that Kyubi was now part of that criminal organisation's strike team, Lynx had become worried and had gone pale. Skye looked afraid too. Eventually, Brutus said seven words that would change everything;
"Shadow is going to storm The Agency."

To be continued...

Next chapter will be the end of part 1. Part 2 will have more action than part 1, which I hope you will like! Also, I'm going to recommend GoldeeTheShrew_'s story 'Dogs' for you. I'm the only person reading it and it's genuinely really good. I hope you try it! Well, until next time, bye!! :3

Edit: Spelling

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