Chapter 18: Ericka and Lynx

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Lynx's POV

  Lynx and Skye walked along the corridor on the way to Midas' bedroom. Skye was upset and Ollie was sleeping on her head.
"You have to meet Midas here every day now?" Skye moaned.
"Not every day. And it'll end after about a month or two." Lynx reassured her.
"A month?!"
"It'll fly by, I promise. In fact, if it takes longer, you can take a selfie on my phone and I won't ever delete it."
"Even if you're low on space?"
"Even if I'm low in space."
"OK then! Bai bai!"
  Skye skipped away, humming a happy tune. Lynx opened the door and Midas and Ericka were sat in there. There was no sign of Deadpool, though.
"Where's Deadpool?" Lynx asked.
"We allowed him to grab some stuff from his toilet. We were worried you would find out, because you're clever and stuff." Midas explained.
"You're not meant to prefer agents to others." Ericka sighed.
"I do though."
"Can we get back to the conversation?" Lynx shouted, blushing with pride.
"Oh, yes! Sorry." Midas apologized, "Where should we begin..?"
Deadpool appeared in the vent above Midas' bed, "The code name we agreed on, genius."
"I believe there are more pressing matters, Deadpool."
"No there's not! That is a perfectly fine urgent conversation point."
Midas scowled at him, "We are codenamed 'Doomsday.'"
"Why?" Lynx asked.
"You said about the device looked like a bomb. So, Doomsday. Like a doomsday bomb."
"It's called a tesla." Ericka snarled.
"Yes. It is. Thanks for letting me know..."
  Midas rolled his eyes and bought a file from a large stack on his desk. Inside the file was a small map of The Agency. There was a Shadow logo in the corner and the corners were slightly toasted, so Lynx assumed it had come from the temporary base one of the Ghost henchmen had exploded.
"Let me circle a couple things..." Midas voiced, circling five spots in the moat around The Agency in pencil, "These are hatches that have small teslas in them. They will conduct storm energy from The Device."
"It's a TESLA!" Jules shouted.
"I know!"
"Am I interrupting a lil something between you two?" Deadpool asked impolitely.
"Yeah, is there room in that vent for me?" Lynx asked sarcastically.
"Woah, I was kidding!"
  Midas and Ericka stared at each other guiltily. Midas looked at Deadpool trying to pull Lynx into a vent whilst Lynx was continuously punching him (he couldn't feel them though because he doesn't feel pain I don't think.)
"I need you and Ericka to check the hatches, Lynx. If they're glowing, that's good. You can then go about your day. If they are not glowing, report back to me and me and Ericka will fix it." Midas instructed.
"Uuuh... got it." Lynx nodded.
"Should we get going?" Ericka asked.
"Deadpool, move out of the way. That's the only vent in my room." Midas gestured for him to hop down.
"A please would be nice." Deadpool snarled. He then swore under his breath. Midas scowled at him.
Ericka jumped up and pulled herself into the vent. Lynx followed suit. Soon enough, Midas and Deadpool were out of sight. Midas shut the hatch.
"Just follow me and I'll lead you out." Ericka smirked, turning the torch on on her phone.
"Thanks, Ericka." Lynx sighed with relief.
"Please, call me Jules."
"Really? I thought you liked being called Ericka."
"Like you do with Kyubi. His friends call him Drift and those which are really close call him by his real name."
"You really consider me a friend?"
"Yeah! Why would I not? You're kind and clever."
"You're 35 years old; that's almost twice my age!"
"Who ever said age mattered? I really feel comfortable around you and you make my old friends happy."
"Like who?"
"TnTina, Brutus, Meowscles and of course Midas."
"What about Skye?"
"Who's that? She must have joined recently. I didn't find out about Riptide until I overheard Meowscles talking about it to Kit, who I didn't find out about myself until I saw Meowscles having lunch with him."
"What else did Meowscles say?"
  Lynx turned around and saw Jules' face turn to her briefly and then turn back around fast, but slow enough that it was still noticeable.
"It's probably not worth me telling you." Jules exclaimed.
"Are you sure? I'm interested, you said you felt comfortable around me." Lynx asked.
"I did. Oh well... he didn't say a lot to Kit, but he met up with Kyubi just around the corner and they had a pretty heated argument if I do say so myself. Meowscles got angry at him straight away and said he was suspicious about Riptide, how Riptide was in Shadow and so was him. Like he was trying to sneak people in. Kyubi shouted back, saying that Meowscles shouldn't be saying anything like that. They argued a lot more, and then Meowscles pushed him into the wall."
"He did what?!"
"Meowscles tried to apologize but Kyubi called him a freak. Meowscles got upset and went to leave, but then the first bomb hit The Agency and they both ran off. I couldn't find them, so I hid in one of the enemy interview rooms because they're tough to break through."
"Can we make this quick, please?"
"Woaaah, don't do anything you're gonna regret!"
  Lynx remained silent until they crawled out into a hedge and stood up. Lynx could see a silhouette of a golden thing in the water. Lynx assumed it was one of the hatches.
"Well, it's not glowing. Time to get back. Well... I mean me. You can go now. See you tomorrow at the same time." Ericka waved.
"Bye!" Lynx smiled.
  But her smile turned to a frown the second Jules turned away. Lynx walked into The Agency and searched for Meowscles. Luckily, he wasn't far. One floor down was the missions room, where Meowscles and surprisingly, Kyubi were in there. They were having a talk about what happened.
"Look. I'm sorry!" Meowscles apologized.
"I know. But I was afraid. I still am." Kyubi sighed.
"But why?"
"Because... You hurt me. And I had to lie to Lynx to protect you."
  Lynx walked across to them whilst they were still having their suddenly very quiet conversation. She walked up to Meowscles.
Meowscles greeted her, "Hey, Lynx! How are-"
  Lynx slapped him in the face and stared into his now very shocked and upset eyes. Kyubi almost looked afraid.
"Stay away from me and Kyubi!" she growled, grabbing Kyubi's wrist and pulling him out of the room.
  Meowscles stood there in silence and then broke down and cried. He had never meant to do anything like this.

To be continued...

No more incredibly short or long chapters for me, just the average of around 1000-1200 words! If you enjoyed, don't forget to vote and follow me if you want to check out my other stuff! Until next time, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

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