Chapter 1: The Golden Protector

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As a war raged on the battlefield a man, whose skin was stained red, stood overlooking the bloodshed. He inhaled deeply as a pentagram appeared on his forehead for a moment as his skin turned to a pale white. A man walked up to his side, looking uncomfortable.

"Lucifer" called out the man, trying to get his attention.

"For the Last time, Zefor" Lucifer began, "Refer to me as Sir! I own your soul as a result of the wager you lost. I'd have already killed you if it wasn't for-"

Lucifer turned to see a defiant look in Zefor's eyes. "I could erase your soul, leaving only the Dark One to inhabit that body."

Zefor looked to the ground. "Sorry."

"Sorry what?"

"Sorry, Sir."

"Good" Said Lucifer smiling. "Now what did you want?"

"You have a visitor" Said Zefor.

"Tell whoever it is to leave."

"It's Jesus of Nazareth, sir."

A chill went down Lucifer's spine. "Bring me to him."

They walked over to a tent that served as an outpost for the battle. Inside was a man who wore white robes and held a scythe in his hands both of which had holes in them.

"Last I checked you were dead" Said Lucifer.

"Thanks in no small part to yourself" Said Jesus his kind eyes smiling. Something about him irked Lucifer, he was too pure.

"So you are the new Reaper, huh" Asked Lucifer conversationally. "Have to admit I did not see that one coming. So to what do I owe the pleasure" asked Lucifer.

"I'm here to stop you" Said Jesus.

"You can try" said Lucifer. "But I know full well that you can't even harm a fly, much less remove my soul from this plane."

"You are correct in your assessment" Said Jesus. "I won't kill you or pass you on, but I won't just let this madness continue."

Jesus walked up to Lucifer and put his hand on his head. Lucifer felt paralyzed, so much pure golden energy. Jesus traced his thumb on Lucifer's forehead in the shape of a cross. Lucifer fell to the ground weak.

"What did you do" He demanded.

"I've sealed your power. No doubt staying in your domain will negate this but to leave it would be foolish at this point."

Lucifer looked furious has he struggled on the floor. "The war has already begun, the Magful and Maglis will tear each other apart. Sealing me does not change that!"

Jesus turned his attention to Zefor. "I suggest bringing him back to hell, before he dies."

"I don't want to help him" said Zefor. Jesus smiled.

"My child" he began, "Sometimes bad things happen for good reasons. We must trust the grand scheme the creator has placed us in."

Zefor placed his hand on Lucifer teleporting him away. Zefor then looked up into the eyes of Jesus.

"What will you do now" He asked.

"I need to separate the Maglis and Magful. Hide the Magful away and erase them from the eyes of the Maglis" Said Jesus as a tear came to his eye. It was clear that this plan pained him more than any other experience.

"So why hesitate" Asked Zefor, clearly picking up on his pain. "You've been crucified and withstood the punishment Lucifer set for you, this should be a piece of cake."

Jesus smiled. "Sometimes the heart hurts more than any other part of the body. When all that happened I endured it for all of you, in a sense it felt like nothing because of my love." He then looked to the ensuing war. "But now that same love is tested. I need to separate everyone until they can get along."

"You think it's possible" Inquired Zefor.

"I have seen it" Said Jesus smiling. "Our creator has given me a vision. Lucifer will be freed, the result of the natural balance being upset. Your extensive knowledge of Lucifer will be a huge asset to taking him down. Then you will have a mission: To find someone who can reunite the worlds." Jesus frowned. "It seems cruel that people who set these things into motion never get to experience the fruits of their labor."

"I'll tell you about it on the other-side" Said Zefor. "Someday, when I get there."

Jesus turned away. This feeling pained him the most.

The Living Death (Celestia Chronicles 5/ R.E.A.P. Arc Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now