Chapter 9: Welk's Gambit

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As monday morning began Travis knew his time was almost up to prove his point, he was playing this close to the wire but if all went to plan he would have the proof he needed and then some. He looked at a monitor that showed a surveillance feed of Rebecca Sayger's house. His plan hinged on her.


Peter opened a notebook he had in his desk and opened it to find something written into it.

Travis hasn't made a move yet. Something about this feels off.

Peter took out a pen and wrote in the book. As he began writing the previous message vanished.

What do you suggest?

He waited several minutes before the message was replaced by a new one.

I'll come in. I'll pack some stuff and head right over.


Travis watched the surveillance feed as he saw her moving around a but from room to room with the thermal scan. She was about to leave and meet up Peter- this was the moment he waited for. He grabbed his coat and opened his door when he saw a man standing in the doorway waiting for him.

"Hello Travis" The man said in a feigned sweetness.

"Do I know you" Travis asked him.

"I'm sure you've heard my name in passing with the time you've spent as Peter's flunkie."

"Lucifer" Travis growled under his breath. The man nodded his head in confirmation.

"So your plan is to abduct Rebecca Sayger in hopes of luring out Peter" Lucifer said in an amused tone. "You can do much better than that."

"What makes you think I will listen to you" Travis asked, amused at the notion of working with him.

"I'm sure you have heard a lot about me" Lucifer said, "My reputation does precede me. I would like to strike a deal with you."

"As a businessman I would be a fool to not hear your proposition" Travis said. "Make it quick!"

"Rebecca Sayger is a mere Sargi" Lucifer explained. "Not only is her reserves of magic low but she is smart about how to use her magic and wouldn't fall for any kind of ploy to coax her into using it. All you will do is bring down the full might of the M.A.G.E. as your are painted as public enemy number one. You would be dead within a day of such a half baked plan."

"I'm still not hearing an alternative" Travis prompted.

"Work with me and I will get you a better prize: the newbie reaper: Jeffrey Sayger" Lucifer offered with a smile on his face. "His power is so raw and uncontrolled that proving your case would only be the tip of the iceberg. I will deliver Jeffrey Sayger to you without needing any help on your end."

"What's the catch" Travis asked.

"After my side of the bargain is filled you will owe me one favor that I can call in at any time and you can't come after me until that favor is paid" Lucifer said as he pulled out a set of papers. "This is the contract, magically binding. There's even an extra stipulation that I cannot interfere in any of your plans under any circumstance."

Travis looked over the document, it all seemed pretty straightforward and the wording provided no loopholes to be exploited. The idea of owing Lucifer a favor made him sick but in exchange he would be handing him everything he wanted on a silver platter.

"I would like to add one extra requirement" Travis said. "If you don't meet your end in the next 24 hours this deal is void."

Lucifer smiled. "I like the way you think, we have a deal."

The Living Death (Celestia Chronicles 5/ R.E.A.P. Arc Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now