Chapter 24: The Highest Law of the Elves

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Tanya walked up to the gate with Harvey at her side. She was wearing a traveling cloak to hide her wings. Harvey could tell how nervous she was as he reached out and grabbed her hand and held it tight. "I'm here for you" He assured her, "You've got this."

She wore a fierce look on her face, the same one she wore before her fight with Lucifer. She pushed the gates open and walked in with Harvey following behind her. A guard stepped in her way as she reached the front doors. "I have orders to escort you directly to your mother and father" He said, in a reluctant tone. He then turned to Harvey, "He needs to stay here."

Tanya looked him in the eyes. "Absolutely not! Harvey is coming in with me David, step aside or I will knock you aside."

The guard hesitated for a second, Tanya pulled her arm out from under her cloak and started to charge a pink energy bolt in her hand. "Final warning" she said, "These pack quite a punch."

"I have my orders" he said.

"You have new orders" She replied. "I invoke the highest law of the elves."

The guard stared in disbelief and his gaze was cast downward at the glowing rune on the back of her hand. "As you wish" he said before stepping out of the way.

She stopped the charge in her hand and pushed the doors open with no effort. She turned to David, "Come with me, please."

"Yes, Ma'am" said the guard as he followed them inside.

Tanya walked through the halls with David and Harvey in tow. She reached two giant solid gold doors and pushed them open to see her mother and father sitting in two thrones. They each wore a shocked look on their face as they entered the room.

"Where have you been and why is that thing here" Her mother demanded.

"And you" Said her father turning his attention on the guard. "You better have a good explanation for leaving your post."

"You see" began the guard before Tanya held up her hand to silence him.

"I'm sorry David" She said looking apologetic, "But I need to deal with them first."

"As you wish Mi'lady" Said David looking at her with a reassuring smile.

"You better have a good explanation" Said her mother.

"First, You will listen to me and everything I have to say, You will not interrupt me once" Asserted Tanya. "I was out helping my friends fight Lucifer, and I'm glad I did because I realized something important. We are not the elite, we are the monsters! I have known this my whole life but I have always been afraid to speak up against this- this madness! We need to start reaching out and helping the marginalized groups, the ones our family has abused over the years, and helping them rebuild and grow. We will start with the werewolves."

"I've heard enough of this" Her mother declared. "David, get that thing off the premises immediately and-"

Tanya threw her cloak off of her and flew right up into her mother's face, staring her down.

"You will never treat my boyfriend with such disdain ever again" She said in a loud confident tone. "His name is Harvey Frink, and he is a hundred times more honorable than you will ever be!"

Her father stared transfixed by her wings. "Tanya what... how?"

She landed down next to Harvey and grabbed his hand. He felt her entire body shaking but she still wore the fierce expression on her face.

Tanya took a deep breath. "I invoke the highest law of the elves. I have inherited a Pixie form and as such I am to become queen on my eighteenth birthday. In the meantime my wishes must be respected because this is the highest law we live by. Our people have grown greedy and powerful at the expense of others. You will grant amnesty to the werewolves and help them rebuild as well as begin the process for a transition of power once I take the throne. The last of our power will be transferred to the M.A.G.E. where it belongs. As for the Crown I command that you never pass it to another person or use its power ever again."

"If you are going to disband the monarchy anyway why bother taking the throne" her mother asked, still shocked by the turn of events.

"Because even I am still bound by our laws, I must take the throne, it is our highest law after all."

Her mother and father exchanged looks between each other and they knew there was no point in arguing. "We will get right on it" He father said getting up and bowing. Her mother also got up and bowed to her. They both walked out of the room and closed the door behind them. Harvey and David looked at Tanya who let out a huge sigh and fell to the ground.

"Are you alright Mi'lady" asked the guard.

"Yeah" Said Tanya. "I just need to replenish some energy can you have Sebastian fix something up for me, please?"

"Of course" Said David with a smile as he walked to the door. "It is a honor to have seen you grow up, Miss" he added before walking out.

Harvey looked at Tanya, he was beaming with pride.

"I know, I know" she said, "I had it in me after all, you were right."

"It's not that" Said Harvey smiling more than ever. "You called me your boyfriend."

Tanya took a second to reflect as her face turned red. "Well- I mean- It's just..."

Harvey leaned in and kissed her. When he pulled away her face was even redder as she smiled and mumbled "Idiot" under her breath.

The Living Death (Celestia Chronicles 5/ R.E.A.P. Arc Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now