Chapter 18: The Crown

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That night there was an uncomfortable tension in their dorm room as Jeffrey and Harvey tried to sleep. They kept thinking about Tanya and how her mother treated her and them. Jeffrey and Harvey had both heard stories about the elves- Harvey in particular having grown up in a household of dragons- but until now they never thought much of it because of how wonderful a friend Tanya was.

"What was that mark on her mother's forehead" Jeffrey asked, finally breaking the agonizing silence. He could feel Harvey shuddering at the question.

"It's called the crown" He said, his voice carrying a dark tone. "It's how the elves managed to rise to power and become the dictators they are today. The elves were once a very different people- with a massive respect for the magic of this world- but after they were entrusted with the crown all that changed."

"What does it do" Jeffrey asked, afraid of what kind of answer he would be getting.

"The one who wears the crown has the power of influence over others" Harvey explained, his voice cracking slightly. "It is a very powerful magic that is almost impossible to resist- a higher magic  is the only thing that can resist."

"A higher magic" Jeffrey asked.

"Like the reapers or shape shifting species. There's a reason they went after the shapeshifters- they knew the werewolves and dragons would be able to resist their magic so our races were dealt with. Me and my brother are the only two who survived their genocide- I don't know what our parents did to secure our lives but I know that they did something to protect us. The reapers and Psychics are also able to resist but the small numbers of both that exist would be nothing if the elves ordered the world to go after them- so they play the long game... I know Mr. Cona tried to go up against the elves in the past... Combine that with what you said about him probably being set up and it seems like they probably had a hand in that..."

"What about other elves" Jeffrey asked. "Tanya couldn't be the only one to resist what their race has been doing..."

"Population control" Harvey said bitterly. "Anyone not part of the royal family is restricted from having children with other elves with the exception of one child. The Royal Family is only allowed to Marry and have children with pureblood elves resulting in the bloodline thinning out to such a degree... Tanya is essentially the last of her kind given her  circumstances.... It sucks that her transition is being used to keep her in line like that."

"Yeah" Jeffrey said, thinking to how openly his mother accepted him when he came out as ace and how lucky he was to have her as a mother. "Just thinking about it sickens me...."

"Tanya is being groomed by her family to fill their shoes when she is forced to wear the crown. She told me that having you and me around helps ground her and remind her that she is not her family despite their attempts at indoctrination" Harvey explained, holding back his tears. "She has such a strong will... I love that about her. I'm inspired by her.... I hope she can make it through this with her identity in tact..."

They laid in silence for several minutes.

"I should stop holding back" Harvey suddenly declared.

"What do you mean" Jeffrey asked.

"I've been putting something off but I think given what happened earlier I need to stop avoiding it. I'm going to be off campus for the next week... please say nothing to Tanya about where I am going... just that I need to go on a personal journey."

"You're being very vague" Jeffrey said.

"I know" Harvey explained... "You'll understand when I return... I just need to worry about what I have to do without having the reasons I am doing this keep me from going...."

"Reasons for going" Jeffrey asked.

"You and Tanya" Harvey said. "We've only know each other for such a short time but you have become family to me and Tanya...."

"You love her" Jeffrey finished his thought.

"More than I can begin to describe...."


Two weeks had passed and while Harvey was already back from his trip he was still secluding himself in his room to recover. Tanya had asked him on multiple occasions about Harvey but he said Harvey needed to go on a personal journey. He knew she deserved an explanation but Jeffrey didn't really know anything as Harvey was still being vague about where he went or what he did. One day during lunch things seemed to reach a tipping point as Tanya stormed into the Cafeteria and up to their usual table.

"Where is he" She demanded of Jeffery.

"He just wants to be left alone" He responded cowering slightly under her gaze.

"He's been Avoiding me for two weeks, I need to speak with him" She said with an authoritative tone.

"Tanya, can you just leave him be? If he doesn't want to leave his dorm then-" but Jeffery realized he had said too much as she turned around and headed out of the Dining Hall. He got up and gave chase.

He Finally managed to pass her right before reaching the dorms and stood in front of the door. He did not like the look she gave him.

"Move, Jeffrey" She demanded.

Jeffery looked at her eyes, burning with passion. He knew that he would regret this.

"Now Sayger!"

Jeffrey shook his head as Tanya threw him out of the way and proceeded inside. She walked up to Harvey's room and began to bang on the door.

"I know you have been avoiding me, Harvey" She screamed through the door. "Open up now before I break the door down."

"Go away" Harvey said on the other side.

Jeffery caught up to see Tanya furious as she clenched her fist but lowered it at the last second. "I'm sorry" She said, her tone changed from furious to sad. "I understand if you don't want to be seen with me."

The door opened as Harvey stood in the doorway, his eyes covered with sunglasses.

"So that's what this is really about" She said seeing the sunglasses. "You've gone through dragomorphis. I completely understand why you hate me now."

"I don't hate you" Said Harvey.

"You should" Said Tanya. "I'm the elf, I'm the princess, I'm the one who is really the monster."

"You're not" Said Harvey opening the door more.

"Why is your race treated like scum? Who was responsible for the outright genocide of the werewolves? Who has done nothing but sit on a throne built upon the misery of others? The elves, my people are the ones responsible, we are the monsters in plain sight."

Jeffery felt hopeless looking between the two.

"My parents are monsters, so regardless of how I turn out I will still be the daughter of monsters. I need you at my side, both of you, because I don't want to be them. I don't want to be the royalty that exists to make everyone else suffer. My Parents are War Criminals for crying out loud, and the only reason why they haven't been brought down for it is because they are elves."

Everyone stood in silence for a moment.

"I need to see them" Tanya said to Harvey. "I need to see your eyes."

Harvey reached his hand towards the sunglasses defensively. "Why?"

"Because I need to know that this change didn't change who you really are" She said pulling off her glove and revealing her had become hardened and green. "I need to know that I won't change for the worse. I just need to look into your eyes."

Harvey removed his sunglasses revealing that the grey of his eyes were now a vibrant display of every color imaginable. Tanya stared in disbelief as a tear fell from her eye. Even Jeffery was in awe. Harvey stood there registering the shock on their faces. It felt like an eternity had passed when Tanya finally spoke.


The Living Death (Celestia Chronicles 5/ R.E.A.P. Arc Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now