Chapter 15: Breaking into Welk Industries

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"This isn't right" Chuck yelled at his father as he exited the containment room. "You can't cage Jeffrey like some kind of animal."

"You have no idea what he is capable of" Travis said as he walked past his son.

Chuck looked back at the door his father came from... I'm coming for you buddy he thought to himself.


Tanya, Harvey, Rebecca, and Peter all sat outside the Welk Industries building.

"So what's the plan" Harvey Asked.

"Well I guess I walk in to pay Travis a visit to create a distraction while you three make your way to the roof" Rebecca wondered aloud.

"How exactly are we to teleport up there" Peter asked. "You know Travis has wards designed to detect any use of magic!"

"No- she's actually right" Tanya said. "See the very top of that antenna on the roof? I can sense no magic resistance up there."

"So we teleport onto the antenna" Harvey asked.

"No" Peter said, "We would have to teleport next to it and grab on quickly... That would require incredibly quick reflexes."

Tanya smiled much to the confusion of the others. "I guess we will see if video games have made my reflexes strong enough. If you see a pink flare that's your cue to teleport up to me at the same time."

Without a second for anyone to object she teleported herself next to the tower, slightly above its height. She flicked her wrist as the bracelet she wore shot out a wire to the antenna while a part of it remained wrapped around her wrist. The wire caught onto the antenna and she swung into the side while her arm was dislocated from the force, with her other hand she stuck herself to the side with magic before letting out a sigh of relief- followed immediately by a groan from the pain of her arm. She rested her feet on the side of the antenna as she shifted her magic to her feet allowing her to stay connected to the wall as she removed her hand.

The wire Tanya hung from was recoiled back into her bracelet as she contemplated her next move. She removed her bracelet as it transformed into a boomerang with a pink jewel embedded in the center. She readied her aim nervously as she got ready to throw the boomerang with her left hand. She knew she would be slightly off with her aim because of throwing it without her dominant hand so she adjusted where she was shooting for hoping that she was right in her assessment of bad aim.

She threw the boomerang as hard as she could with her left arm as she readied herself for the boomerangs return. As she saw the boomerang fly back towards her she moved her body making sure to aid in the aim as much as possible. It struck her right shoulder with enough force to pop it back into place before falling onto the rooftop.

Tanya knew that recalling her boomerang would alert Welk's wards to the presence of magic so she decided to figure out a way to catch Harvey and Mr. Cona without it. She now hung onto the side of the antenna with both her hands and feet- using her magic as an adhesive. She took note of the metal the antenna was made of- A steel alloy with a higher amount of Iron than Carbon.

Looks like someone cheaped out on making the steel, she joked to herself knowing that Iron is so much easier to transmute than steel.

She transmuted part of the antenna into a platform sturdy enough to support everyone's weight and then some.


"Tanya's been gone for a few minutes now" Harvey said as he paced around anxiously.

Tanya teleported right next to him with a smile on her face. She grabbed hold of Harvey and Peter's arm before teleporting away again. Rebecca looked around guessing this meant that they had a way in as she headed towards the building.


Peter and Harvey were teleported with Tanya onto the makeshift platform she made as she fell to her hands and knees taking deep breaths.

"What's wrong" Harvey asked as he kneeled to her side. He saw a small drop of blood fall from her nose.

"I dropped my boomerang so making this platform and teleporting you up here was a little too much energy spent for me to take" She said as her breathing steadied.

Peter looked over the side of the platform she made to see that they were just above the range for the wards. He saw that they were about ten feet off the ground.

"Be careful when jumping, it's just low enough to make it but you could still hurt yourself" He warned them. "Once we drop down the second we use any magic Travis will know we are here."


As Chuck walked down the halls of his father's company he saw Jeffrey's mom with a guard.

"Hello Ms. Sayger" He said as he walked up to them. He turned his attention to the guard, "I can take her the rest of the way" He said to the guard who shrugged and left for the elevators alone.

As soon as they were alone Chuck looked up at Ms. Sayger, "You're here to save Jeffrey, right?"

She was taken aback by his question but her body language was all the confirmation he needed.

"Top floor is dedicated to quarantine lab facilities- Jeffrey is being held there in medical exam room 3" He explained quickly. "It's not marked on any building schematics and is the most advanced of the medical exam rooms on that floor. There's a hallway just pass the Roof access that leads to medical exam rooms one and two. These rooms are on opposite sides of the halway. The pass code for the rooms are '24601'. Enter the first two digits into the control panel for exam room one and the other three digits for exam room two. The end of the halway will lead into the restricted section of the floor where you can find an observation room and medical exam room three. To bypass the security keeping Jeffrey contained you will need to use the controls in the observation room. Take the elevator up there quickly before anyone sees you."

Chuck turned away and started to walk down hallway.

"Thank you" she told him.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" He said walking away.

What dad is doing is wrong he told himself. I need to stop him.

The Living Death (Celestia Chronicles 5/ R.E.A.P. Arc Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now