Chapter 22: The Stuff of Legend

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Lucifer stared in shock as Tanya stood with a heroic pose. Jeffrey could tell her inner nerd was loving this- this battle would be the stuff of legend in her eyes.

"The first elf to inherit a pixie from in over three thousand years is also the first one to not even be a real girl; Hell, not even a real man!"

Tanya jumped down from the cavern landing softly with the aid of her wings. She looked at Lucifer with a sly smile on her face. "Let's see if you have any bite to you."

"T-Tanya" wheezed Harvey, "Don't he's too powerful."

"Don't worry" Said Tanya looking back at him with a reassuring smile, "I've just got some new muscles I need to stretch is all!"

Lucifer took a defensive stance, pitchfork poised to attack; Tanya took a deep breath.

With the flick of a wrist she conjured a thorny vine as a whip in her left hand. She jumped off the ground and flew right at Lucifer. Lucifer shot a few fireballs at her from his pitchfork. She conjured an energy shield with her right hand as markings appeared on the back of her hand while the spell was cast. The fireballs impacted the shield and Tanya waived her right hand, as if throwing something. She wrapped the vine around Lucifer's neck and conjured another vine in her right hand wrapping it around his left leg. She flicked both vines forcing him to hit his head on the ground. She flew back and cast a shield as he threw a constant stream of fire at her.

As she hid behind her energy shield Lucifer was stuck in the head by her boomerang from behind. She used the opening to fly close to him and threw a few punches with a shot of electricity firing with each impact. She flew back to her starting point and landed. She caught her boomerang back on her wrist as it turned back into her bracelet. Lucifer stood in place healing his body surrounded by a veil of dark magic.

"You're good" He said. "Only Arda of the Krystal has pushed me far enough to use this tactic."

He bit the tip of his right thumb causing it to bleed and drew a symbol on his left hand with the blood. He then proceeded to do the same with his left thumb on his right hand. He brought his hands together as a pentagram appeared on his forehead. His skin turned a red color, his legs resembled that of a goat's, horns sprouted from the top of his head, and a tail was seen hanging behind him.

"I didn't realize the change was so drastic" noted Tanya. "According to the legends Syvix-"

"Syvix" Interrupted Lucifer, "Was not using this to prolong his life like I do, because of my unnatural life span, there are some side effects... but don't worry I make up for it with strength and stamina."

He rushed over to Tanya in the blink of an eye and grabbed her by the neck. "Now to drain the life out of you" he said with a sneer before throwing her back down to the ground and holding his hand with a pained look.

"Did you forget" asked Tanya, "Another perk of the Pixie form, dark magic can't touch me."

"Good to know" Said Lucifer with a sneer. He raised his pitchfork and a massive torrent of flames shot at Tanya. She surrounded herself in an energy shield but the flames were too much and her energy was draining too fast with it up. She took a deep breath and threw her shield down and ran through the flames while her body automatically healed her wounds. She made her way to Lucifer and punched him channeling her own positive energy into the punch. She then quickly threw her boomerang, glowing with a pink energy, across the room behind Lucifer. Lucifer was knocked back and Tanya fell to the ground having used the last of her energy.

"You have been a formidable opponent" Said Lucifer getting up. "But you've reached your limit." He walked over to Tanya. "Any last words?"

"Ka-Boomerang" Tanya said.

Lucifer was hit with her boomerang as the energy on it exploded throwing him across the room. Tanya smiled as Jeffery and Harvey watched in awe.

"Aces, Tanya" Jeffrey Cheered.

Lucifer got to his feet. "That was a nice trick but the three of you have exhausted all of your energy."

"Then how about taking me on next, Lucifer" Said a newcomer.

He saw Rebecca walk into the room, she wore two bracelets on each of her arms and an amulet was hanging from around her neck. Lucifer gritted his teeth, having heard a lot of stories about the Unstoppable Sargi: Rebecca Sayger.

"Don't bother trying to escape me" Rebecca said. She raised her arm and said "Momento Mori" as a purple rune was shot onto Lucifer's Chest with an identical one on her's.

"Why did you do that" Tanya screamed at her. "Are you trying to kill yourself?!"

"We all have to go sometime" She said, she turned to Jeffrey, "This is the last gift I can give you- I trust that you are the one who can finally fulfill the contract and free the souls of all reapers."

"Why, what did you do just now" Jeffrey asked, his voice shaking.

"Timed Suicide Pact" Lucifer explained, "you know that will have no effect on me!"

"It will still affect you" Rebecca said, "Like that neat little spell you have active right now" a sly smile spread across her face, "You could revert back to your human form but I'm afraid that would actually kill you- but..."

"You bitch" Lucifer screamed at her.

The two stared each other down, the tension in the air growing.

"Five minutes" Lucifer said to himself- "All I have to do Is kill you before the last five minutes are up..."

"But can you" Rebecca taunted as a pair of energy swords were conjured into her hands.

Lucifer charged at her as she threw one sword into his chest and blocked his punch with the other. She kicked the sword sticking out of his chest as it disappeared. The sword still in her hand turned into a bolt of lightning that she used to knock Lucifer back. She conjured a bow staff as she dodged the next few punches he threw at her. She got behind him with ducking under one of his punches and whacked his thigh with the bow staff as it turned into a rope and coiled around his legs making him fall to the ground. She conjured up two daggers and readied herself for his next move as he ripped the rope off his legs.

"Tick Tock, Lucifer" She taunted.

He jumped up to his feet and charged at her lowering his head to use his horns to skewer her. She moved quickly as she sidestepped around him and jammed both daggers into his back where they exploded into flames. She took a fighting stance as her fists become coated with fire and electricity. She ran to Lucifer and jumped on his back, grabbing ahold of his horns as the fire and electricity on her fists exploded knocking the both of them back. When the dust settled Lucifer saw she held his two horns in her hands. He conjured his pitchfork again and sent a boulder right at her. The boulder exploded into a cloud of dust as she charged another energy bolt in her hand. She was struck from behind by a rock as she fell to the ground. Lucifer ran towards her and jumped in the air readying a finishing blow.

"Time's Up" Rebecca said as a purple energy pulsed out of them both, throwing Lucifer flying into the wall.

Lucifer tried to stand back up but realized he was back in his human form. He crashed back down to the ground unable to get back up. He struggled to move his arm as he reached around his neck for a red gemstone and shattered it engulfing him in a red light before he vanished.

Jeffrey walked over to where his mother was to see her lying there, tears in her glazed over eyes and a smile of her face.

It was evident that for her the last moment was bittersweet.

The Living Death (Celestia Chronicles 5/ R.E.A.P. Arc Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now