Chapter 23: On Her Own Terms

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By the time they made their way back to the tent they saw Peter Cona already there waiting for them and it had become night.

"She's gone, isn't she" He asked Jeffrey, who nodded slowly.

"Why would she do that" Tanya asked. "She went into the fight ready to die, she didn't have to do that- she could have just helped us escape- He was already in bad-"

"She was dead either way" Peter said, as he sat down on a nearby rock.

"What do you mean" Jeffrey asked.

"Your mother was sick" He explained. "I noticed it when I came face to face with her back on your birthday, she had an inoperable cancer in her brain. She knew that the longer she tried to live the more it would eat away at her mind- making her less of herself. When she found out you were the reaper I knew why she was so eager to fight again... she wanted to die on her own terms. When she took you three on this trip I had a feeling this was it  for her...."

"That's why Lucifer was waiting for us" Harvey exclaimed. "She probably tipped him off somehow just for this."

"What did she mean by save the souls of the reapers" Jeffrey asked Peter.

"All reapers, with one obvious exception, became tied to the contract" He explained. "Their souls will be unable to move on to the next plane of existence while the contract is unfulfilled. Arda never intended the contract to be active for so long- those souls are paying the price for such a powerful magic."

"And I can end it" Jeffrey asked.

"No- the three of you can."

Jeffrey looked at Tanya and Harvey standing next to him.

"The elves have had a stranglehold on the world of magic and that has helped Lucifer keep his operations going for so long" Peter explained.

"So dismantling the monarchy is the key to stopping Lucifer" Tanya said, realizing how important her role was.

"Yes" Peter said with a smile. "You and Harvey represent the one thing that Lucifer has been trying to destroy since day one."

"Unity between races" Harvey said.

"Exactly! Lucifer has had one play and it always works- divide the masses with fear, hatred, and prejudice. He exploits the darkest parts of humanity to further his goals.... I'm afraid that I am no better" He said casting a look at Jeffrey. "Telling you to stay away from your friend was uncalled for- I was acting upon my own prejudice- I was holding the son responsible for the sins of the father."

"Well He's better off without me" Jeffrey said. "I almost killed him because of my magic."

"But you're learning control"  Peter said.

"But that's the thing.... I have to control this power or else" Jeffrey said. "If I make a mistake people can die.... I don't like having this power."

Jeffrey walked into the tent and climbed into his sleeping bag. He gave a clear impression that he was done for the night....

The Living Death (Celestia Chronicles 5/ R.E.A.P. Arc Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now